Feb 04, 2008 14:18
The update on Victor's mom: she completed her chemo, and then developed an infection requiring her to be moved to the ICU last Sunday. Unfortunately, she developed sepsis, which means the infection got into her blood as was affecting her systemically. Currently, she is intubated (a machine is helping her breathe), she has had to undergo dialysis and is still connected to the machine since her kidneys aren't working in order to take off excess fluid, and she is still requiring two vasoconstrictors to keep her blood pressure up. They keep trying to take her off, and wind up having to put her back on. They've tried to wean her off the ventilator, but she had spells of decreased breathing and had to restart it. She is no longer sedated, and she will grimace with pain or movement, but has not woken up. She's supposed to be getting a CT scan today to evaluate for brain damage that would explain why she hasn't woken up. Her liver and kidney suffered from the septic shock, but her lab values are looking better. She has had to receive several platelet transfusions and at least 2 units of packed red blood cells. An ultrasound of her heart shows decreased functioning, although I suspect that may correct itself when her kidneys start working again and she isn't so fluid overloaded. What does this mean? There has been improvement since earlier last week. Her oxygen requirements have decreased, and she's not on continuous dialysis. Her numbers are looking better. Her chest xray is clear. However, she is still requiring medication to keep her blood pressure elevated, she hasn't woken up yet, and she has not been able to come off the ventilator. It's really kind of a draw at this point. She isn't actively dying on us, but she's not exactly making leaps and bounds in recovery either. She had a bone marrow biopsy last week, which will hopefully show that at least the chemo worked. And now it's just about waiting.
So, this week I was supposed to have only three lectures a week and plenty of time to focus on the yearbook and the musical. Instead, I wound up with jury duty and out of 130 people I was one of eight selected for a murder trial. Ugh. It's expected to run three, maybe four days. Ugh. I guess I won't have to worry about wasting my days now.