Мелочь, но приятно

Sep 02, 2013 12:17

Искала в интернете разные разности о покойном Шеймасе Хини и набрела вот на что:

Review of An Anthology of Contemporary Russian Women Poets
Seamus Heaney:

I have ticks and marks all over the book, it is such a miscellany. It's like The Rattle Bag in the one-thing-after-anotherness of the contents; but the fact that one is unfamiliar with the names and the reputations (mostly) means that you read each poem in an especially bare, receptive, alerted way. The 'big name' factor doesn't enter and you are free to dwell in possibility, page after page. Just looking at the ticked titles - a few of them - 'Lamentation of the Border Guard', 'Memorial Candle', 'The Pilgrims', 'Rain', three liners - I could go on.

'Lamentation of the Border Guard' с картинками ко второму тому 'Borderguard \ Bodyguard' (картинки увеличиваются).

Первый том 'Borderguard \ Bodyguard'


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