Dec 15, 2005 22:04
You son of a bitch!!! Who the hell do you think you are? You maintain the website NOT dictate where people's comments and threads go. Are you outta your friggin mind?!?!?! Game on mother trucker!! Game friggin on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real life,
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On another note: I moved a lot of the debate-ish posts to another thread. If you can find it feel free to reply in it appropriately- if you can't find it- probably better for us all, heh
yes.. that was so sweet of him. Not even giving the link where they went to. Not to mention.. he is NOT a ringleader. NOT. He has NO right to do that. It may be HIS website.. but he is NOT a ringleader that is running the club that is on HIS website.
And for your information, I said it to his face. It is on the ORC board. I told him it was rude and completely wrong. The sad part is that while were were discussing things that were quite on topic, I wasn't even involved in anything but how the vote was going to be accounted for. And I wasn't alone in the feeling. He was right there with me, along with Brannon. I was talking to Lee. LEE has the authority to do those things, not Rick. SID has the power to do those things.. not Rick.
If this group is going to be run by someone that is not a ringleader just because they maintain the website, then that is not a group that should have leaders because it is pointless. He was rude the way he did it. All he had to do is say, "Hey, moved those comments to here (provided a link). Thought I would let ya know".. that is NOT what happened.
It's not a big deal that he moved it. It is the manner in which he did them.
And yes, I realize you said it 'to his face', but you didn't freak out and call him a son of a bitch cept here, which was.. what's the term.. uncalled for? Yeah. Maybe if it was an actual issue or offense that deserved that sort of reaction, but uh..?
Oh well. I won't defend the subject anymore. Seems futile.
Point taken. Carrying on.
second, you may think it is uncalled for, but that is your opinion. That is how I felt right then and there so that is what I said. You may not think it is an issue, but I do. So.. opinioins differ.
Defending ones opinioin IS futile because it is just that. An opinion.
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