Nov 05, 2003 00:50
This entry is inspired by something my friend katie recently put in her latest journal. I didn't want to just add it as a comment because; 1. it's really long 2. I'd like to see what some of my friends have to say about it. In her journal she typed "I don't want some old rich man telling me what I can and can't do with my life or my body" in which she was refering to government officials. That's just one small comment she made, but it is the most pertinant comment to what i have to say.
I don't mind having some old rich man telling other people what they can and can't do with my life or my body. I think that too many people think more about themselves being limited than exactly what it is that they'd like to do that the law won't permit them to do. Sure, when I'm late for work it would be nice to drive 70mph down a road, but I sure as hell wouldn't like the guy driving near me to be going 100mph.
As far as the system being corrupt, it works on both ends. Government officials can screw people out of money and jobs, but so can Johnny Doe down the street. Currently on my block I have two neighbors collecting unemployement (one of which is also working under the table), one collecting wellfare and one dealing drugs. Every one of them are fully capabable of working full time jobs. This is just one street block with around 20 people living on it. Why do they do it? Because they can. Along with cheating (especially for easy money) comes a sense of power. And somehow I believe Hollywood and the millions of movies they come out with when they say humans crave power.
Lets try to link corruption and limitations together so we can see which way to point the finger. I'll start by relating to a video game. When I put a lot of time into a difficult game and reach a point that is extremely difficult to beat I can put in a cheat code. If it's tony hawk pro skater and I want that cool looking board, I now have the money for it. And lets face it, that board makes the game that much cooler. Obviously me cheating in a video game and a citizen cheating someone out of money are on a completely different level. But if I didn't win the $1000 tony hawk tournament because I cheated, I'm not going to blame the people that made the codes. So why do people fail to make the most of their lives, then blame the government for being so limited? Especially when most limitations are created by citizen corruption.
So which way is the right way to point your finger? Do I get angry at the government or do I get angry at the citizens? The solution is neither. The answer is to not point the finger at all. If I'm an alright guy, then why in the hell would I care about somebody that isn't? Why would any of that matter to me? The only thing that matters to me is my and the people i care about's happiness. Happiness seems to depend on the persons perspective on life. And if your life is consumed with hatred for corruption and lies nothing good can come of it. I dont like either, but neither of them get to me. If the saying ignorance is bliss is so true, why in the hell is ignorance so taboo?