first entry

Feb 17, 2004 21:14

well, this is my first entry in my new journal, and don't really know what to say. I'm not very good at keeping up with this sort of thing, so hopefully I'll stick with this one and keep it up. I had a nice day. Got some new goldfish and some live plants for them. Went out to dinner with my boyfriend, Jeff. Will be getting rid of about 80 or so hamsters tomorrow. Got rid of my two oscars today so I could have their tank for my goldfish. One of my three cats is laying on my lap, purring her little head off. She's a long-haired orange and white cat and has the most beautiful tail. She's my favorite because she's so sweet and loving. She'll lay on my lap for hours and lick my nose to give me kisses--- her name is Phoebe and she's about 9 months old. My other two cats are boys, and one is Phoebe's brother-- his name is Oberon, and is also about 9 months old. He's a long-haired grey and white cat and is a really good-looking cat. He's everyone's favorite that comes to the house because he is a nice specimen of a cat. My other cat is almost 7 years old and is sorta fat and ugly, but I love him anyways. His name is Milo. He's kinda prissy and has licked his stomach and butt bald from an allergy, so he's especially ugly right now. He tolerates the kittens but every once in a while he'll hiss at them and bat them with his front paw. I think they enjoy annoying him and teasing him. I've been a nurse for about 7 months now, and work on a regular med/surg floor. I'm trying to get a job in labor/delivery but it's a tough field to get in to. I have been with my current boyfriend for almost 5 years now. We live together in my house that I just bought in September. It has a pool and a deck and 2 two-car garages. It's a very nice house. That's all I can think of right now, so I'm outta here. Hopefully I'll be able to get an entry in here every day or at least every other day.
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