"Nature Walk" - SS/LM (Yup they are both boys so... Slash warning)

Jun 27, 2009 05:32

Title: Nature Walk
Author: Critterel aka Magialuna
Pairing: LM/SS
Warnings: m/m relationship, not much else
Words: 668
Beta: WhiteCotton (aka WhiteCotton the Patient... not the medical kind)
A/N: Got the idea after an email from BertaS re: “Too Big” on the yahoo email list "Severus Sighs" where she mentioned Lucius and a group of others were 'walking in the forest'. (WhiteCotton tells me this is a 'ficlet' rather than a really long drabble)

Lucius sighed quietly in irritation as he swatted the small bug that had dared settle on his arm. What in damnation had convinced him that following Severus on this ridiculous errand to harvest Moonflowers was something he in any way wanted to do? True, he had missed Severus' company the last couple of evenings, but while he was technically 'with him', this was far from the enjoyable evening he had envisioned. He pushed a low-hanging tree limb to the side with his cane and proceeded, attempting to conceal his annoyance from his companion.

Unfortunately, not very well.

Severus stood up from plucking the blossoms at his feet with a look of amusement. “Honestly Lucius, with the way you're behaving one would think you never go outside. Simply cast an insect shielding spell. Are you not the one who constantly needles me about 'forgetting I'm a wizard' when I don't indulge in constant wand-waving?”

Curbing his temper at Severus' tone, Lucius cast a silent charm to repel the insects. It hadn't occurred to him that Severus meant to go gallivanting about the forest for hours when he had suggested he accompany him on this ridiculous errand. Surely, he could train a house elf for this menial labour.

“I see that look, Lucius,” Severus interjected at the blond's much-put-upon air. “To answer the question I'm sure is on your mind - no, house-elves cannot be counted on to harvest potion ingredients effectively . Salazar only knows in what condition I'd get my flowers. You can relax, we're done now, time to enjoy nature now that we are here.” His smirk did not reassure Lucius in the least.

“'Enjoy nature' you say, Severus?” Lucius replied, plucking a twig from his hair. “I believe I'll pass. However, I'm quite ready to enjoy a fire and some brandy if you've completed your errand.” Enjoy nature indeed.

“Indulge me for a moment, Luc,” said Severus softly, reaching back and gently grasping Lucius' hand to impel him forward down the footpath with him. They emerged presently in a small clearing where a large blanket and small basket lay waiting. At Severus' signal, Lucius sat next to him.

The basket contained chocolate-covered strawberries, a very fine bottle of champagne - both well chilled by a charm - and a small package, which Severus quietly presented to Lucius after his lover had settled himself and brushed off his robes. “It's been a year since we began this again,” he said, clearly uncomfortable. “I thought perhaps you might accept a token of my... commitment to this relationship.” He busied himself with pouring champagne into two flutes and handing one over to Lucius.

Lucius opened the small box, shocked and touched to find a gold claddagh ring - quite similar to one he had given Severus... what was it twenty years ago now? “Very appropriate Severus. I will be quite honoured to wear this.”

“Before you ask... I still have mine,” Severus murmured as Lucius pulled him close for a slow, thorough kiss. He tasted of champagne, the firewhiskey they had sipped before setting out and that addictive taste he'd found quite unique to Lucius nearly half a lifetime ago. He drew Lucius into an embrace, wrapping his arms around him and resting his chin on Lucius' head. “I know you've found this evening quite irritating, Lucius,” he commented silkily, “but let me show you it is indeed possible to enjoy nature.” He lifted a chocolate-covered strawberry to the blond's lips.

Touched by the effort Severus had put into planning his little surprise, he sighed and relaxed his head on the younger man's shoulder, sipped the excellent champagne and lifted a succulent strawberry to his lover's lips. Lucius wasn't certain he'd ever 'enjoy' nature, but he was certain it looked infinitely better than it had a short time ago. Perhaps there was something to be said for the privacy, the moonlight and perhaps even a sturdy tree...

severus/lucius, ficlet, harry potter, ss/lm

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