It's no secret that I dislike Christmas music. It grates on my last good nerve and is one of the reasons I don't go gaga for Christmas. My favorite Christmas song of all time is "Fairytale of New York" by Kirsty MacColl and the Pogues. It's my kind of Christmas song.
The lyrics are so uplifting:
"Youre a bum
Youre a punk
Youre an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy christmas your arse
I pray God its our last"
Now that's poetry fit for the birth of little baby Jesus.
Even the blessed Cyndi Lauper has stooped to recording a Christmas CD. To her defense it was at the tale end of a record contract gone very bad and I think she just wanted out of there. When in doubt, throw together a crappy Christmas CD and get the hell out. It was a low point in her career and I try not to think about it. Well, this year she has redeamed herself in my eyes because she has recorded a kick ass Christmas duet with the Swedish Band, The Hives. It's called "A Christmas Duel" and definitely falls into the fun-loving tradition of the classic tune by Kirsty and the Pogues. It has already become a very close second-favorite Christmas song. If I didn't have such a long, nostalgic history with "Fairytale of New York", it might have even surpassed it. I really like it. The rockabilly style of this song reminds me of the old Blue Angel stuff Cyndi used to do. The refrain to this new Christmas tune is quite touching:
"So whatever you say, it’s all fine by me
Who the fuck anyway wants a Christmas tree
’Cos the snow keeps on falling even though we were bad
It’ll cover the filth, we should both just be glad.”
Holiday perfection! Fuck you Silent-fucking-Night! I suggest you all go to iTunes and spend $.99 on it right now.