Dec 07, 2011 00:46
This night was fun, short, & sweet.
We get to this fancy PSBM holiday party in the bottom of the Chelsea Market called The Tipper and it's filled with people. The invitation said "no flannel but beards welcome" which there was a ton of flannel.
I ran into a buddy right away in the doorway, met a music lawyer, then met our accountants, the head of the PSBM company, the "Ginos" who run Premier muzik, and then I heard my name "Ayiahs!!!" and a group of Doris & her friends were there! I was like what? All of the sudden out of nowhere, Amanda Palmer jumps on a table and tries to play ukelele to a whole huge crowd of suits that don't care so instead, she played a show just for us. IT was amazing.
Then I think she started hitting on me & we got to chatting... all of the sudden, Neil my boss says he's leaving for the Free Energy show & I knock over a bunch of glasses, break them on Amanda and bust a move to the studio (Neil doesn't seem to care).
We get to the studio and listen to the sweet jams Free Energy mixed with John Agnello (producer of Patti Smith, Cheap Trick, The Heavy, & a shit ton of other artists). Agnello and I hit it off like best buds, talk about getting together for crazy times with a guy who used to work for him that got bitch slapped by the heavy and bought my couch. Ted the engineer talks to me about hipster gangs in our neighborhood, I hug the boys and I piece out for some Checkers and now I'm home.
I hope we fix this roach problem soon! Gross.
All in all a good night.
I'm ready for Round 2 tonight.
Shits getting real.