before she became a lesbian on her 60th birthday, but that's beside the point.

Oct 09, 2008 11:42

take aight neyinty foor
resume play paws
where thoughts n werds collide like thunder storms, except the outcome isn't light.
I can't stand to wait fur the end anymore.
I crave more control than destiny has to offer. I'm corrupt.
we don't belong here. but just then she swerved, narrowly missing the car, realizing that she's been driving up a one-way in the wrong direction.
Hault. Take deep breath.
Zilef Nagorb Oct. 7th, 2008
it's not really about going one way or the other. u just have to listen.
"brogan are you warm enough?" "yes."
When u run out of things to say, you'll finally begin to hear.
"tell me a story."
Time is absent and obscure. She mite just be a figment of my imagination.
I know that it's been a long time since i've lived in my body.
"i cant believe i let you talk me into this."
Don't be so serious all the time. Improve yer view.
Sometimes tomatoes get thrown at you while yer just standing around.
Laugh it up, yuppies.
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