Critical Capture, Round One: Posting format

Nov 25, 2013 18:55

Hello, participants!

The deadline is just around the corner! (Like, hours from now.) The mods have convened and decided that we'll do posting the way troisbang did it: each participant will post their fic in their own fic journal/comm, then post the header of their fic in this community on NOVEMBER 26, 2013. Below is an example of how your fic header should look like:

SUBJECT: Round One: In your boyband, SuChening everything

For: perfectiontales
By: onyu

Title: In your boyband, SuChening everything
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1234 words
Summary: Everybody, save for Jongdae, turns into Joonmyun. It's up to Jongdae to discover who the real Joonmyun is and save the day.
Warnings: N/A

Then tag your post with: critcap: round1, * submissions

Please use this HTML when posting your header in this community:
For: (username)
By: (username)

Word Count:
Summary: (SUMMARY)

Questions? Comments? Violent reactions? Feel free to leave a reply to this post. Comments are screened. :)

* mod post, critcap: round1

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