Feb 03, 2009 16:22
Hi, not dead. Still. On with other stuff.
I have realized that I haven't really posted anything, or read anything, or commented on anything, or really anythinged on anything for well over a year. And it's not just here on LJ, it's Twitter, it's PetPo, and all the other creative sites I've been a member of. I decided to think about why, mostly because I'm very good at thinking about things, partially because I have alot of brain time to think about things- being a teacher means I'm often have lots of mini-breaks where I can't get anything major done, but I can think and plan things.
There are several reason I'm not updating anymore.
- I'm not spending as much time at a computer, due to how my grown-up job works. The adults in my social circle that LJ with the frequency I wish I could manage don't have jobs like mine. They have a job that sits them at a computer for around half their day, or jobs that don't require as much creativity as mine does. Neither of these are good things or bad things, they just aren't where my life is going any time in the near or distant future.
- The creative juices that I was using on "creating content" are now being used at work, at knitting, at other pursuits. I'm just not writing as much anymore, at least in the fluff areas that I used to in college. I'm writing quite a bit professionally. So now, I average about 10-15 hours a week creating, but I'm creating lessons, IEPs, games for my students, etc.
- The time I do spend in the online world is being spent other places. I made a list of all the sites that I have the crit_knitter username, and came up with about 10. Then I added the sites that I enjoy that don't require a user-name and added about 15 more. Then I highlighted the ones that I actually use. It took my list of about 25 down to about 5 or 6. And it's not that I don't enjoy the other 19 or 20 sites, but I just don't have time anymore to keep up with everything I love.
How am I going to go forward?
Well, for me personally, I'm going to use my google account or facebook account to properly RSS the sites that I use and miss when I don't visit. I'm going to trim down on the sites that I consider "my usuals." And I'm going to streamline where I create my content- namely to facebook. Say what you will about "the new facebook," but that interface works for me. Being able to just quickly update my status or write a longer note when I have more to say.
How does this affect you?
For you, the people that may actually still read this, it means that this LJ account will eventually be deleted. I'm going to transfer stuff that I feel is pertinent to other places where it will remain pertinent, but eventually I'll get around to deleting the entire account. But the stuff that I was putting in here (on the rare occassion that I did update) will start going on facebook, so add me to your facebook friends. If you don't know me in real life well enough to know my first and last name, comment on this post with an email address- I'll want to confirm who you are, but chances are I'll share that info with you so the stalking can continue.
Other than that, I guess this is good bye...