My my, I realize that I should post more often but my life seems genuinely uninteresting, if not depressing at times. However since I have some new friends on LJ I should post more often. I mean I really DO like LJ, I just mostly read what others post.
So what shall I say today?
Well... I'm writing 2 fanfics, one of which will be largely unpopular on (no doubt) and another of which will... okokok, ALSO be largely unpopular but at least I know one of my friends will like it. The former is a Tales of Symphonia Lloyd x Sheena fic and the latter is a Stargate (SG1) fanfic about (yes) Daniel x Sam (yes, yes, I know, WHAT?) Even as I write it I don't feel my DanxSam fic will be very romantic in the end but I'm writing it any way, ha ha.
I just realized- what happened to the last fic I was writing? I completely forgot about it because I found no one to write Seifer's part. That's fine with me.
This summer (which is sadly about 1/3 over, sigh) I plan to play as many video games as possible. I need more friends and video games, my virtual friends, have become the answer. Seriously. And I have become mostly successfully nocturnal to do this. I wake up around 2 p.m. and go to sleep around 6 a.m. This is not some teenager-y urge to stay up late, it is my genuine preference. It is too hot in the summer to be up. If I did not have to get ready for work at 4 o'clock, I would REALLY be nocturnal. This summer I also plan to clean, write, draw, and do crafts/commissions a lot (probably in that order). I've slightly improved at drawing, and the slight improvement has encouraged me to keep trying. Still, I'm nowhere near up to Snuff with others.
I suppose I will post more when something interesting comes up.
On a final note I was looking for an interesting link or something to put up and I realize I have far too many favorites in my youtube account (same name, CristyaBlade) but this is most likely because I keep the videos there for cosplay reference. How sad. Any way here's a suitable one. Anyone who has played a Zelda game will appreciate this (if you have not you will not like it, probably):