Classic Lucky Spencer Animations

Nov 01, 2009 01:55

I'm going old school on this batch- these are spanning from 1994 to 1998. I primarily did Classic L&L2, but there's also a bit of Luke, Laura, and Foster in this one. I will likely do more, as I enjoyed making this batch and re-living Jon and Becky's chemistry:) Enjoy, feel free to snag!

A boy and his dog.

“Don't hurt yourself, Dad!” Luke and Lucky dance at the 95 Nurse’s Ball.

“What’s your name?” “Lucky.” “We’ll see.” Lucky and Elizabeth first meet.

“You are SO awesome.” Lucky and Elizabeth at the S&B wedding that wasn’t.

Lucky and Elizabeth dance as they crash the Bacchanalia.

“It’s not as though it was a date…” except it was. Lucky and Elizabeth go to a Chinese restaurant for lunch.

Lucky and Elizabeth dance at No Name. Lucky looks a little dizzy at the end!;)

After Elizabeth gets Lucky a guitar and he sings for her, they kiss for the first time.

First kiss continued- this animation is VERY large.

“…what you really mean is, I love your mouth.” Lucky and Elizabeth talk subtlety.

lucky and elizabeth, jonathan jackson, general hospital

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