Took This on MySpace

Feb 18, 2005 08:52

Stole It

1-What should you be doing besides dicking around on Livejournal/Myspace?
Eating lunch, reading, not wasting time...

2-Do you like Jerry Springer?
Jerry Springer is SO 1999 (yes I agree with aforementioned cats).

3-Do you think the apocalypse is coming?
I believe it's in it's beginnings right this second.

4-If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you like to do today?
Climb the world's tallest cliff, and then jump off the top. Kinda like quitting a job before they can fire you.

5-Did you have a dream last night and if so, what was it about?
Yes, but I can't for the life of me remember it.

6-Where are you right now?
Work. Where yo ass need to be, nyiggah.

7- Do you like it there?
I guess.

8-Have you ever hooked up with someone you met on livejournal?
Shit no.

9- Do you believe in an after life, and seperately do you believe reincarnation is possible? If so, do you consider reincarnation a blessing or a curse, if forced to chose?
I believe in both, and whether they are a blessing or a curse depends solely on what you make them.

10-Do you drink coffee?

11-What do you think of the soprano's?
Right now, it's the only show worth watching.

12-Favourite sports team?
Fuck that. If I wanted to watch a bunch of big sweaty men play with/grope each other, I'd rent a gay porn.

13-What do you think of goth and rockabilly people?
All of the rockabilly people I've met have been pretty cool; most of the goths I've met were dicksnacks. Funny, because I'm VERY often associated with being goth, even though it's been a LONG time since I've dressed like it, and even then, I never considered myself one due to wrong attitude (elitist, faux-depression/cynicism, etc.). But if you're comfy with labels, then have at it...

14-Do you smoke cigarettes?
On occasion.

15-Favorite vacation spot?
Only rich people get vacations.

16-Do you think you're hot?
No way in hell.

17-Are you an alcoholic?
Not in the least, I rarely drink, and almost never to excess.

18-Do you hate emo people?
Only fake pretentious ones.

19-Are you a hateful person, or do you love everyone?
Depends on my mood, but mostly I'm neutral.

20-What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas. Yeah, commercialism and all. I love family, I love friends, I love togetherness. If you work retail, it's the pits, but even when I did, I still loved Christmas.

21-Jeans and a hoodie or dressing up?

22-Ever taken acid?
Once took 40 hits at once, by accident/ignorance/stupidity. And I have also taken it on other occasions, but i only enjoyed it twice.

23-Do you have animals?
Two ADORABLE hamsters.

24- Who's the hottest actor/actress?
Thora Birch.

25-What would you rather be doing right now?
Couldn't say... this is OK for now, I guess.

26-What's the last movie you saw?
"Stay Tuned".

27-Do you think you may be insane?
At the very least, I'm VERY neurotic.

28-Are you ever homesick?
Not really.

29-Do you get along with your parents/siblings?

30-Who's death has affected you most deeply?
My uncle... more of a father figure to me than my own dad. it?
Anti-depressants have the same effect on me, and I won't go to prison for possessing them.
They're fun, but have this bad habit of eating up lunch breaks.

33-Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?

34-Do you have bad credit?
None of your business, Snoopy.

35-Do you think you're snobby?
Maybe judgemental sometimes, but I'll give anyone a chance (and sometimes I'm sorry I did).

36-Do you secretly want to take over the world in a blood soaked orgy of destruction and mayhem?
It'll probably happen when I'm going through my mid-life crisis.

37-Princess Leia gold
If you don't think so, you're gay, buddy. And even then, some gay guys think that's hot. So that makes you... well, ultrahomotacular. That means REALLY REALLY gay (btw, I'm NOT anti-gay AT ALL).

38- Do you say crayon like CRAY-on, or cran?
Crown... no, j/k, crayon.

39-War in iraq...good idea/bad idea?
Iraq is an inhospitable DESERT. People shouldn't even be living there. It was not our job to depose Sadaam, it is not our oil to be stealing, it is not our responsibility to "spread democracy" to other places, it is not right to install a puppet-government somewhere where we have no business being, and it is certainly not a good idea to spend taxpayers' money on an unnecessary war when things over here are rapidly deteriorating due to LACK of money.

40-Is your name short for something fucked up?
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