I decided to post some weird random things I think about sometimes. Yeah, they're weird, but I think they are something to be thought about ha ha.
This is probably a bad first one, but its alright ha ha:
What if there was anotehr color? Before you start thinking about it at all, I mean a whole other color. Out of the colors that we know. If you think about it, what if there is another color, something we just have nothing of, maybe aliens have it. No, not a mixture of colors, a brand new color. Because essentially there are only red, blue and yellow, then everything stems off that. But what if there was another color like red yellow or blue? Weird eh?
What else.. Ah yes.. I was thinking of this while flying in an airplane:
This isn't a question, but more of a marveling at the world. Imagine being in an airplane, and looking down. You see a few dots as cars and a lil bigger dot is a house. Think about how high up you are, and how that big ass airplane got into the air. Damn, Humans are crazy mofos. There's more to this too. Think about all the cells and molecules that make up all those trees, houses, lakes, fish etc. Those are tiny compared to a person. Yet again, think about how small the Earth is in the Galaxy. Now think about how small our galaxy is in the Milky Way. Now think about how many other planets and shit there is all across the whole universe..... once again something to think about.
Another thing that comes to mind when you are thinking about all those planets rocks and space out there in the universe is, are there aliens, or not? This is an interesting one. Think about this. Easth is the only planet we know of to have humans and living plants and stuff. But Europa:
one moon of Jupiter, has an oxygen atmosphere and may be able to support simple life. I figure that if we have a moon within our galaxy that might be able to support life, there have to be more Planets out there that can support life. Think about this: there could be another planet, with more humans, acting just like us, but millions and billions of light years away from us. They could also be more or less advanced. Or they could be aliens. Or there could be aliens along with other humans living in the universe. I think that there is a strong possibility that there is life somewhere out there. Also, it is possible that if there is another planet similar to Earth, that humans and other animals evolved just like the Earth did, and is out there.
One more thing for tonight. This one is cool.
Look at these two pictures. One is a star, with false coloring to make it look cool. The Second one is an X-Ray mosaic of the Milky Way 900 light years across. These aren't very good examples for what i want to talk about, but they'll do. Ok so you see these pictures of things in space that are so many light years away. So if we take a picture of a star or galaxy that is 35 million light years away, think about this. It took all that light from the star to get to the camera from which we were taking the picture to get to it. So in reality, its a really really old picture. Think about how different that star or galaxy really looks now which is 35 million years later. Think about that. It takes 35 MILLION years for that light to get to us. That's before we were on Earth, that's before we looked into the sky, that's before we even knew stars existed. That should give you a small picture of how ridiculously huge space is. Think about how you can see a light in the distance right away becase the speed of light is 299,762, 458 meters per second or about 186, 242.4 miles per second. Its about 180 miles to the Twin Cities. Multiply that by 1000, and thats about how many miles light can travel in one second. So for something that is 35 million light years away, traveling that fast, think about how far away that is. Yes, my friend, very very far.
This was a long entry, I hope people enjoy reading it, because it took me forever.Goodnight everyone, Chris.