Aug 31, 2006 16:29
I have finally found employment. Next week I'll start as a teller at a bank and as a what-ever-you-want-to-call-it at Caribou Coffee. Afew more weeks til a paycheck - yeehaw! Cuz I'm getting tired of eating off the coffee table and having to dig through cardboard boxes for my books (for lack of a dining table and bookshelves). Right now, the apartment is what one might call "mininmalist" in its decor. ;)
So, speaking of money, the people around here are loaded. I mean, seriously, I have never been so surrounded by the rich and famous - and I'm not joking. It just so happens that we have moved into the most ritsy part of Minnesota, a.k.a. Lake Minnetonka and the surrounding lands. There are Vikings players who have houses on the lake, and the houses are castles. Four and five car garages, three and four story houses on 1 million dollar lakeside property, amazingly landscaped yards - it's crazy. I'm looking forward to Christmas...can you imagine those houses decked out for the holidays?