Sep 22, 2013 11:37
This last week, I've really noticed my low blood pressure is back. I've had slight chest pains too. It doesn't help things that I've had a bad cold (which I thought was almost gone) for a week too. I felt like I had something stuck in my throat last night too :/ I wish I had some form of insurance so I could get checked out. I don't know if I have heart problems, or what... I've almost always had low blood pressure, and I remember my vision going dark when I was young after I would stand up from sitting for a while. It's started to happen a lot again. This morning, I got up from bed, and I really honestly thought I was going to pass out. Usually my vision just gets dark from the edges in.. but not completely out, and I never have the feeling of I'm going to pass out. (I've passed out enough times, I know how it feels) Last night, I was laying on the couch, and I just had the feeling like I was passing out. I couldn't open my eyes no matter how hard I tried. I just suddenly got exhausted, and the feeling lasted for 3-5 minutes. I felt like I couldn't move. My mind was wide awake, but my body couldn't do anything. I've had that feeling a few times before, and I just felt like I wanted to go to sleep. Luckily, the few times this has happened before, I've always been in bed, or on the couch close to going to sleep for the night anyway.. or in the morning before I get up. It's a scary feeling though. Its like I have no control over my physical abilities, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open my eyes and "wake up" even though I wasn't actually asleep.
I just feel like something is going on, and I can't find out what until I either make more money to be able to pay for tests, or get some form of insurance so I don't go broke trying to figure it out. :/ I've always been healthy, I'm 29, barely overweight (only by like 6 lbs), really active, eating healthier than I have in awhile.... so what could it be? The only thing I can think is that something in my genetics is kicking in, and it's scary. I'm so young, too young to have anything really wrong..