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Apr 22, 2011 12:54

So.. It feels like forever since I've posted, and it's really only been 10 days. wow. This last week and a half has felt like an eternity! Classes are just about done, I have 3 days of class this next week, and then I start exams on thursday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Of course all of my classes had to have exams on different days. I couldn't just have them all in 3 days and get it over with. At least I really only have to study for 4 tests and not 5.. but I do have to do this project and make a video and website.. not really looking forward to it, but it is what it is. And once the semester is done, I have about 5 days of NOTHING then I'm off to the beach for two weeks!

The beach.. that brings me to the next topic on the agenda: eating healthier again! Valentine's Weekend i went to visit my friend in Northern Virginia because I had to do 24 hours with no media for a class.. so I figured why not go visit her, go to the zoo and walk around the monuments? (Why oh why couldn't it have been warmer too??) So, since I was going up there, and felt like I had some extra money from taxes and whatnot, I decided to get an iphone. And.. a few days later, I found out that iphones have neat little apps that let you keep track of what you've eaten, have a graph of your weight loss, keep track of nutrients.. all that fun stuff. And since I always have my phone with me, it was so easy for me to just type in what I ate, how much, and see how many calories I had for the rest of the day. In the few weeks between then and going home for spring break, I lost about 5 lbs! I was so excited! Well, going home for spring break was hard because my parents always have lots of bad food.. and I am horrible with self-control. So.. hot dogs, fruit snacks, m&m's, nachos with lots of shredded cheese.. just tons of different stuff that I shouldn't have eaten but did. Luckily being at home only had me gain a couple to 3 lbs back. And then I came back to school and didn't really keep track of things for about a month. I didn't eat horribly all the time, I was still mindful of what I was eating, just not as mindful as I should have been. A couple of weeks ago, I started keeping track again... but only during the week, and not with absolutely everything that I was eating. There were a couple of weeks that I had a really hard time with eating when I wasn't hungry and night eating too.. or just eating whatever, whenever. Finally, once I got a lot of the 'bad' food eaten (yes, I realize that wasn't the best way to get rid of it) I went grocery shopping and only got healthy food. The worst thing I got was my favorite.. this package of a breakfast mix.. with granola, peanuts, dried cherries, strawberries and blueberries, and glazed walnuts. I absolutely LOVE the dried strawberries! Anyway, I have been getting those since the semester started it seems like.. and there were days when I felt so addicted to the stuff and I would eat 3 bags of it! (not all at once, but over the course of the day.. and there's only 6 bags in a box!) Anyway.. Starting tuesday, I started eating healthier. I haven't had any fast food, I have only drank a few sodas (ok,... maybe like 4) but I only drink diet pepsi.. not that it makes it THAT much better. lol But I've been reading a lot of articles, I got some pre-made green tea, and drink that, as well as got one of those water bottles that you refill all the time.. I got an orange metal one :) Anyway.. So, I've been feeling a lot better lately, and I've been doing this not only for the health but because I'm going to the beach in about 2 weeks. I want to feel and look good. Not that it matters if I look good.. but I want to anyway. And I have a friend getting married in July, so I want to look good for that too. Lately my scale has been a little screwy.. it started saying I was under 130, and I really didn't believe that.. it even said 128.8 today. I was still skeptical.. I had woken up, let the dog out and went to the bathroom myself then weighed myself. After going back to bed, I got up and reweighed myself and it said 132.6. Now that I believe more. Since I haven't done one in a while, here's a visual representation for me :)

Holy cow! I didn't realize it looks like I'm almost halfway there! Four more lbs and it is halfway! Wow. Hopefully I can get most of this gone by July 1st.. that's still 2 months and change away, so it should be easily doable. Since I'm kind of re-starting this week, I think it'll be a bit of a big loss total for the week, probably close to 3 or 4 lbs. And then after that, probably only 1 lb or so a week. Which is fine. As long as the number keeps getting smaller, that's the whole goal :) I like eating healthier too. It just makes me feel better overall. My overall measurements have gone down too.. My waist used to be 32 in, now it's just under 28.. my hips used to be 40 in easily, now they're about 37! I have never seen a measurement of my hips under 38 until now! A few years ago, I did weight watchers and I lost about 8 lbs.. but stopped going because my sister moved, I also started doing it again with my mom.. but being 23/24 and going to meetings with your mom with everyone else being older than you are is hard.. especially when I wasn't fond of the leader.. I remember one day she wanted to look at my weight tracker book! I felt like my privacy had been invaded... I just didn't see why it was her business to know just how much I had lost that week or in the past few weeks. Ok anyway.. (tangent, sorry) I usually had success on WW, but if I didn't have someone that was like a partner for me, it didn't work. And it seems each summer I can lose some weight, I did it in Winston-Salem by running a lot (about 4 times a week) in the 90+ degree heat, doing yoga and eating healthier, and I also did it in Concord by eating healthier, being a server, and getting my puppy. So.. maybe I should just live somewhere warm so I can't gain winter weight? lol But now that it's getting warmer out again, I'm eating healthier again, and losing weight yet again. My goal is to get this all lost by summer session 2. Well, no, that's not really true. I don't care when it's all gone. As long as it goes. And I'm finding I'm ok with going through a journey like this. It gives me something to do.. apparently, I have to have something to obsess about. lol It's true though.. And this morning I was looking up information about Alli because it's really supposed to be effective. I looked through and read about the side effects, which were pretty disgusting, and I realized that I don't need something to help me loose weight. If I buy healthful foods, and am mindful and careful about what I put in my body, why would I need something that is just going to possibly make me fart oily smelly farts and have really nasty poo? lol That's the short of it really. I decided its not for me, and I think that was probably one of the smartest things I've thought in awhile about myself :) I feel so grown up. lol

So, I should start doing yoga and working out and running again.. but I don't really feel the need to work out as badly because this semester I walk about 30 minutes around campus up and down hills and up and down stairs. On Mon, Wed, and Fri, I have 2 class in 2 different buildings that are both on the 3rd floor. I think nothing of it now. Well, actually, I have class on the 3rd floor of one building on Tue, Thurs too. So ever day, whether its once or twice a day, I'm going to the 3rd floor of a building. lol

Although part of the problem of losing weight is that I'm losing what I can wear.. either its too big or doesn't look good anyway.. And to think, I gave away about 2 bags full of clothes to goodwill when I moved last october. One of the biggest problem I'm having with clothes right now is that my waist and hips are shrinking, my things aren't as much.. it makes wearing some of my jeans difficult. Plus I need to get another hole punched in my belt. And to think, when I got that belt in 2008, I could barely get it to the last hole on it anyway.. since then I've had one punched in it.. and will probably need another one here in a few weeks. On me, every 10lbs is a size, and I'm getting close to that point. Already, my shirts all look so different because I don't have a stomach anymore hardly at all! (Not that I really did in the first place) But now, it's really going away. I just wish my legs would follow suit. lol Slowly but surely... :)

It's been nice to finally write everything down.. It's been so long, and I want to stay on track so badly. I like eating healthier, but I also like being able to have a day to not as carefully watch it.. but I hate backtracking too. We'll see how it all goes :)
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