[The camera is shaky as the feed begins and, at first, only shows Anew stunned face.
She's smiling, however]
Well....I don't know how to explain this [She turns the device around to show this]
Fuuureet! [The Furret raises one of his paws to say hi, a giggle is heard from behind as the camera switches to Anew's smiling face, she seems nervous, though]
I don't know if anyone is going to believe me, but this is what I saw [She takes a slow breath before speaking but as soon as she opens her mouth the Furret gets to her side and starts nuzzling Anew's cheek and she can only laugh]
Lockon! [She can't get mad at him] Please let me speak! [She raises a hand to pet him between his ears, Lockon enjoys this and pulls away sightly, only to set himself next to his owner, who keeps petting him]
Anyway, just before my Sentret started glowing and he.....[She can't come with a term of her own to describe what happened] well, the pokegerar labeled it as an evolution, it said that he evolved into a Furret. Do you know exactly what comes along with this? [She gives Lockon a soft scratch between his ears and he just squeals happily] But I can tell you that his personality hasn't changed at all