4th Tutorial

Aug 09, 2006 13:16

From this
to this

Find out how to make this icon

Comments will be most greatly appreciated and welcomed.

As per request by twilights_muse and heart_music_

Icon originally from this post.

I start off using
this picture and we crop and resize. And we get our base.

Now that we have our base, we duplicate it and set to Soft Light Opacity 100%.


I always like to incorporate the colors of the picture into the icon and since the background is very blueish/greenish. I create a New Raster Layer and fill it with #C1FFDB, set to Burn Opacity 66%.


Now create another New Raster Layer and fill it with #C1FDFF and set to Burn Opacity 100%. The icon looks really dark, but it's alright we're going to fix that later. I'm trying to darken it a bit because Dan is really pale and if we start out using light colors he'll end up looking even paler.


Create another New Raster Layer and fill it with #FAE7D0 and set to Burn Opacity 42%.


Now the icon looks a bit shiny and dark, but before we fix the dark issue lets tackle the shiny issue. Create a New Raster Layer and fill with #000040 and set to Exclusion Opacity 100%


Go back to your base layer and duplicate it and drag it to the top and set to Soft Light Opacity 100%.


Then we make another New Raster Layer and fill it with #FF80FF and set to Burn Opacity 28%.


Now to lighten up the icon we again create a New Raster Layer and fill it with #FAE7D0 and set to Soft Light Opacity 100%


Again since Dan is too pale we have to give his skin a bit of color, so I create another New Raster Layer and fill it with #FFC0C0 and set to Multiply Opacity 78%.


Go back to your Exclusion Layer and duplicate it and bring it to the top of all the other layers.


Great now the icon is really dark. Go back to your base and duplicate it and set to Screen Opacity 86%. Carefully erase Dan's face and arms. Like


Now go back to your base duplicate and drag to the top of all your layers and set to Soft Light Opacity 100%.


Create a New Raster Layer and fill it with #FAE7D0 and set to Multiply Opacity 34%


and Voìla your icon is done.

Icons using the same/similar technique

Extra Notes:
-I used Paint Shop Pro 8 (PSP 8) to make this icon.
-Comments are appreciated.
-Love to see what you come up with. =D
-For more of my icons see

tutorials, daniel radcliffe

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