And this is for my Justine.

Nov 05, 2007 13:00

 God isn't God for nothing.
He is God, because we can't be.
And I thank him everyday that he is God and I am not.
Because if I was left in charge of my soul and the souls of others, I'm pretty sure I'd screw up.
Lord, you are so gracious and mericiful.
More and more eyes are turning to the heavens, and lifting our hearts and learning to trust and love you more and more, as we take small steps in following you.

My dearest Justine,
God has plans for you that you couldn't imagine. His plan is so perfect, and loving and merciful, that if you saw it, you would fall to your knees and kiss the feet of the Lord, because you would ask yourself this, "Why is God giving me all of this?! All I did was love him."
And that is exactly it. Love him. Don't be afraid, because he will love you back.
Remember, God had a Justine Will, written in his book of time, and written on his heart. Not only because he loves you, because he knew you had to exsist. He knew that there were some people on earth that needed a Justine Will. Like me, God knew I needed a friend like you, and he gave you to me, without asking anything in return except to love him.
Love. That's it. Its that simple.
Humans are more than walking zombies on this earth. We are more than things that just soak up the things around us until they disappear. No! We are more than that. We were given a mission, to love the world, to love eachother, and to love our Lord God.
Simple? Yes. Some will disagree. And we can walk our whole lives alone, and come to the path when we meet God, and say, "No friggin' way, you really were with me all along."

I love you, I love you, I love you.
But God loves you more, TOO much more.
And hes waiting for you, to love him just as much as he loves you.
As soon as people are telling God they love him and want to walk with him forever, there lives are different.

You are the apple of my eye dearest. And I miss you, even though I saw you just a few hours ago.

Loving you tenderly.
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