Written for Valentine's Day 2012 Challenge Prompt 1

Jun 14, 2016 05:17

Title: I Didn’t Hex Them, This Time.Author: crissytje
Rating: PG
Word Count: 750
Notes/Warning: Maybe one bad word :p though it’s not really that bad. The prompts were antidote, detention and rose.

“Malfoy” She spat at him when she entered the potions classroom and found him leaning nonchalantly against the teacher’s desk.

“Granger” He drawled back with a smug look on his face.

“Well don’t just stand there.” She barked angrily, waving her hand.
“The antidote isn’t going to make it itself you know. And for Merlin's sake wipe that stupid smirk of your face.”

Draco straitened himself immediately and snorted. “I’ll have you know Granger that my smirk is anything but-”

“Whatever Malfoy, just get on with it, I want this detention over as quickly as possible.” She interrupted him.

“What? Have you got a hot date tonight Ms. Stick-in-the-ass?” He sneered disgusted.

“Whether I have or not is none of your business Mr. Ego-bigger-than-brain.”

“Don’t you have a boyfriend to be faithful to Ms. Trying-pissing-me-off?

“Who says I’m not going to go to my boyfriend after your detention Mr. Already-pissed-me-off?

His eyes flashed angrily.

“Are you?” He narrowed his eyes.

“Who says I have a boyfriend to go to.” She narrowed hers.

“So that’s it?” He spat. “One fight and it’s over? I thought you said you were the forgiving kind.”

“One fight? One fight? We’ve talked about this for I don’t remember how many times.”

“That I don’t believe, you probably have a list.”

“You promised you would stop pestering my friends.”

“They always start-”

“... would stop hexing them!”

“I didn’t hex them this time” He shrugged.

“You poisoned my best friends! How is that better?” She exclaimed angrily

“It was an accident Granger.” He answered flippantly.

“Don’t lie to me Malfoy!” She waved her finger to emphases her point. “You did it on purpose and you know it.” She bristled and predatorily made her way up to him.

“Maybe, but you’re the one that felt sorry for them for having no significant other in their life. I only tried to spice their life up with some … love.” But then he realized he had just given the wrong answer.

“You!” She poked his chest with her finger.
“You!” Another poke.
“You evil bastard.” And then another one.

“No need to pull my mother into this Granger.” He backed slowly away from her with his hands in front of him until he hit the teacher’s desk again. He kept glancing at her uncertainly and at the same time searching for a way to escape her wrath. If needed.

Hermione on the other hand was trying her best to keep her anger at bay and not to kill him right here right now with her bare hands. She took a few deep breaths to calm her heart and her breathing and fisted her hands next to her body. After a few minutes of painful silence she finally asked resigned. “How could you do that? Harry and Ron now fancy themselves in love with each other.”

“At least it’s not an unrequired love, they now have each other as significant other, see I’m not that evil.” He smiled lightly now that he was almost certain she wouldn’t try to kill him.

“This is no laughing matter! Harry is constantly serenading Ron on his knees in the common room. If his singing was any good it would have been at least tolerable but even Crookshanks sings better and it’s driving everyone in the Gryffindor common room crazy.”

Draco was trying his best not to laugh.

“Ron on the other hand just keeps staring at Harry with that disgusting love-sick look on his face, caressing Harry’s hair en trying to snog his lips off. They’ll be horrified when they-” The rest was muffled by Draco’s laugh when he couldn’t stop himself from bursting into laughter. She looked miserable and he knew he should be sorry for what he had done but he couldn’t make himself to be sorry.

“I always knew there was something between those two.” He grinned.

She glared at him. “Just start grinding the rose thorns and then add the minced-”

“I know how to make the antidote Granger, no need for you to tell me.” He rolled his eyes while he made his way to the storage room for the ingredients.

“Just get on with it will you.” She huffed, then muttered ‘stupid detention’ under her breath.

“I bet you volunteered to oversee this detention Granger.” He grinned again as he looked over his shoulder to let her know he had overheard her muttering. “Wanted to spend Valentine’s night with me did you?”

He barely escaped the hex she send his way disgruntledly.

draco malfoy, hermione granger, fanfic, dramione

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