Written for Valentine's Day 2012 Challenge Prompt 3

Jun 14, 2016 04:24

Title: He Should Not Have Known That
Author: crissytje
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1499
Notes/Warning: Contains mild coarse language. The prompts were strawberry, cupcake and Sneakoscope.

Her breathing hitched. Someone was here and she didn’t know who. Her heart was beating almost out of her chest.

‘No’ Hermione thought. ‘Scratch that.’

Her breathing hitched. Someone was here and she had no idea who. She should be afraid and she was, but her heart was beating too quickly for it only to be because of fear. Excitement was also running through her veins and she scolded herself for it. Even though she was almost dying of boredom here, this person could be dangerous. She tried to tell herself not to-

She deleted that sentence too. Taping her finger on her chin Hermione thought about how to continue. Ideas were flying through her brain together with flashes of sentences that she could use. She had the general plot already written out on paper next to her for her Valentine story for the Witch Weekly. The only thing left to do now was writing the story itself. She giggled to herself but quickly put her hand on her mouth and looked around to check if anybody in the office had heard her uncharacteristic giggle. No, actually she was only making sure that Malfoy hadn’t heard it since he was the only one that also stayed behind after office hours. Lucky for her, he just went on his seven o’clock coffee break. It wouldn’t do her any good if he found out what she was doing at that moment. She was sure he would use it against her one way or another. And besides, she was writing under a pseudonym for a reason, this was her fantasy and hers alone. Taking a bite from her strawberry cupcake, she continued with her writing.

Even though she was almost dying of boredom here, this person could be dangerous and she didn’t have a Sneakoscope to determine whether he was or not. Taking a deep breath and holding her wand in front of her she quietly made her way to the study room from where the noise was coming. Just before she reached the door her bravery left her and she stopped in her track. Was she being stupid? Should she call for help instead of walking into an unknown situation. She knew she was terrific with her wand but would it be enough. What if he was really dangerous. A first hex and then talk person. She knew she wanted to confront the stranger herself out of curiosity and out of pride but maybe this was a bad idea and she was putting herself deliberately in harm’s way. Before she could make up her mind the decision was made for her when the door was suddenly yanked open and she came face to chest with the stranger. A very nice chest she had to admit. Her head snapped up and she stood straighter in battle mode with her wand pointing straight at his face. A very nice face she had to admit too. Silky white blond hair, strong cheekbones, masculine jaw, slender pale neck that ended on a pair of very muscular shoulders begged to be kissed. But what drew her in most was a pair of stormy grey eyes that was first lit with surprise, then confusion and also sexual appreciation.

‘Wait’ Hermione narrowed her eyes. ‘Why did she had a feeling that she had just described Malfoy.’
Her eyes widened. Shit, she just had. Delete, delete, delete! What was her unconscious thinking.

“You know Granger.” A deep throaty voice drawled above her.

Hermione squealed surprised and instantly turned around in her chair facing the owner of said voice, her hands behind her, subtle trying to hide her manuscript. Shit. Did he see? Oh Merlin, please don’t let him have seen what she had been writing, especially what she had just been deleting.

The owner laughed.

Taking a deep breath to calm her heartbeat, she put a look on her face that hopefully showed a calmness she was not feeling.

“What do you want Malfoy?” She demanded, trying to sound nonchalant.

A corner of his lip lifted and he motioned to her arms.

“What are you doing?” He asked seemingly casual but his lazy grin betrayed him.

“None of your damn business Malfoy.” She snarled back.

His grin widened.

“You seem to be hiding something”

She scowled. The bastard knew. The look on his face told her everything she needed to know and unfortunately for her the glint in his eyes meant her fear had been confirmed. He knew what she had been deleting. Double shit. Change subject now!

“If there is nothing else you have to say to me then leave me alone. Don’t you have something better to do Malfoy? It’s Friday night, don’t you have some important people’s asses to kiss or some poor girl to impress and seduce?”

Yes, keep this about him. Not her. But as she was afraid he was not taking the bait.

“I never would have thought you the kind of person to write erotica Granger.” His grin returned. “I must admit I’m quite surprised you’re Ms. Romiena Ghrenger, author of Witch Weekly’s Blazing Fantasies. But now that I think about it.” He tapped his chin. “Romiena Ghrenger, Hermione Granger, hmm clever anagram. I wonder what I should do with that knowledge.”

Her heart skipped a beat. He hadn’t mentioned the part about him. Maybe she had read him wrong, maybe he hadn’t seen it. She almost sighted out of relief. But then drew herself up fully to face him directly and stared straight into his eyes. The danger wasn’t over yet, any kind of information about Romiena Ghrenger made public was bad. Very bad. She was fully prepared to do everything in her power to protect her identity. To fight. She stood in battle mode with her wand pointing straight at his face. Ironically just like her female lead had. Ironically also in front of her male lead. Ex-male lead, she corrected herself. Ex!

“I swear Malfoy, If you dare to say anything about this to anyone, human or magical creature, I will hunt you down and make sure your family line ends with you. And believe me when I say I will do it excruciating slowly and very painfully. With my bare hands or some kind of tool. A fork or something.” She threatened.

His eyebrows lifted. “A Fork.” He repeated skeptically.

“Yes. I swear I will bind you to a bed and castrate you with a fork.”

He started laughing and she glared. But that only made him laugh even harder.

“You’re a witch Granger and I’m certain you know at least a hundred very painful hexes to threaten me with and you threaten me with a fork?”

She wasn’t liking it one bit that he was making fun of her.

“I assure you Malfoy that I’ll make you hurt more than those hundred very painful hexes together if you-”

“Don’t get your knickers in a twist Granger, I’m not going to reveal your secret to anyone.” He interrupted her amused.

That surprised her.

“You’re, you’re not?” She sighted in relief but then she grew suspicious and narrowed her eyes at him. “What’s the catch? There’s a catch right?”

He shrugged and seemingly inspected his fingernails.

“Maybe. For some kind of compensation of course.” He looked up at her and smirked.

She scowled at him. “Of course. What it is Malfoy. Hurry up and state your compensation.”

He stepped closer to her, too close, way past her comfort zone.

“What are you doing?” She yelped, cursing herself for sounding intimidated. Which she was not. Not!

“Get away from me Malfoy. Stop right there!” She put her hands in front of her to emphasize her point.

He only came closer and caged her in with his arms on either side of her body and his hands on her desk, overwhelming her with his smell. Something male and unique. He leaned into her, his lips a mere breath away from hers.

Oh Merlin, was a kiss what he wanted? Was he going to kiss her now? She scolded herself for even thinking about it.

Then he sniffed and moaned. “Hmm, you smell good Granger, sweet like strawberry.”

Move away she forced herself. Why wasn’t she moving away!

But he was the one that pulled away first and when she looked up to see why, she was too late to stop him from biting into her cupcake that he had stolen from her plate. He seemed indifferent when he turned around to head out of the office, the arousal in his eyes the only evidence that he was as effected by their closeness as she was. Just before he left the door frame he turned around again.

“You know Granger, fantasies are better in real life than on paper. And if you do bind me to a bed, I’d rather you kiss my pair of very muscular shoulders than what you’ve threatened.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

No... He had read it after all.

draco malfoy, hermione granger, fanfic, dramione

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