Fun Shipping Meme ^^

Dec 25, 2010 03:03

Got this from lina_trinch because it sounded really fun to do xd

List 6 Pairings You Like

1. Katara/Zuko (Avatar TLA)
2. Gary/Misty (Pokemon)
3. Drew/May (Pokemon)
4. Seto/Tea (Yu-Gi-Oh)
5. Bulma/Vegeta (Dragonball Z)
6. Draco/Hermione (Harry Potter)

List 3 Pairings You Used To Like, But Don't Anymore

7. Hermione/Ron (Harry Potter)
8. Ash/Misty (Pokemon)
9. Aang/Katara (Avatar TLA)

List 3 Pairings You Don't Like

10. Rebecca/Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh)
11. Astoria/Draco (Harry Potter)
12. Ash/Dawn (Pokemon)

List 2 Pairings You're Interested In, But Haven't Started Shipping Yet

13. Scorpius/Rose (Harry Potter)
14. Joey/Mai (Yu-Gi-Oh)

1) Why do you hate #11 so much?

Because Astoria probably is an arranged marriage candidate of Draco and I think he deserves better than that. I don’t think she’s able to really intellectually challenge him ^^ the only one who can do that is, surprise surprise, Hermione :p.

2) Does anyone you know ship #13?

Not personally but I’ve read some Scorpius/Rose fics before so I guess I kind of know someone …

3) What is your ideal scenario for #3, even if the show isn't on the air anymore?

For Drew and May to stop beating around the bush already and just admit to each other that they LIKE each other. Oh come on! It’s soooooo obvious :p. I don’t think Drew has ever given any other girl roses, and Solidad practically told May he had feelings for her :p. And May, has that dreamy look in her face whenever she sees Drew walking away, and how many times hasn’t she blushed because of him or hasn’t she been thinking about him ^^.

4) What is your favorite episode for #1?

Oi oi, there are so many, which one should I chose. I guess I chose ‘Sozin's Comet Part 3: Into the Inferno’. The one where Zuko dives in front of a lightning bolt to protect Katara. Oh come one, that should have said enough :p. How sweet is THAT!

5) How long have you been following #6?

Eum, I’ve been following Draco and Hermione for 6 months now? It was because I was stupid before for rooting for Ron and Hermione. What was I thinking :p. I realized it after seeing a story of them on fanfiction and decided to give it a shot. The story that converted me was 10 Ways to Kill Draco Malfoy by Drakulya. I advise you to read it ^^ maybe it’ll convert you too. :p

6) What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring?

Eum well, the moment Ash started travelling with his third NEW girl, he’s with his forth now. What her name? Iris? But anyway, he was too dense anyway :p and I kind of begin realizing he isn’t that perfect for my dear lovely Misty ^^. And after discovering Egoshipping, Ash went into the garbage can. So simple like that ^^.

7) Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4?

Gary /Misty or Seto /Tea, damn this is hard :p. I can’t choose. I love both Seto and Gary very very very very very very much ^^. I adore them :’) freak out over them. But I think I love Misty just a bit more than I love Tea. Well much more actually :p so I’m going with Gary and Misty, so #2.

8) If you have the power to make one ship non-existent, choose from #10 or #12.

Rebecca/Yugi or Ash/Dawn ? This is a hard choice too. Hmm let me think. I don’t like them both because there is too many age difference in both cases.

Ash and Dawn differ 5 years ( 1 year/league or contest; 0,5/frontier, orange league or whirlcup => Kanto = +1; Orange = +0,5; Johto = +1; Whirlcup = +0,5, Hoenn = +1; Battle frontier + another grand festival = + 1; making Ash 15 when he meets 10 year old Dawn.) ^^ That’s creepy.

And in the English version of yugioh, Rebecca is 8 when she meets 16 year old Yugi. Making him 8 years
her senior. That’s something called pedophilia ^^. And since I really don’t like Rebecca, and I don’t like pedophilia, I’m going for #10, Rebecca and Yugi

9) What interests you about #14?

That cute puppy Joey has a cute crush on Mai ^^. Really, I haven’t seen him being THAT protective over anyone else. Jumping on a dual arena to save her, standing in front of her when RA was going to blast, battling for her and getting knocked unconscious himself, catching her when she’s about to fall, being jealous of Jean Claude and Valon, fighting for her against Valon, having rather his should being taken than Mai’s, … ^^ She meant sooo much to him that it’s adorable. Of course he meant a lot to her too, making her able to fight even against the Orichalcos. And don’t forget her obsession about him while under the Orichalcos. She just couldn’t forget him.

10) When did you stop liking #7?

See question 5. It made me realize that Ron was no match for Hermione. I don't even think they can hold an intelligent conversation together which I guess Hermione would need every now and then. So how could she be with such a lazy man that thinks she reads and learns/studies too much? There would be no challenge at all and she would have become bored with him very quickly.

11) Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?

No, because I was still voting for Aang and Katara during the two times they kissed while Zuko and Katara were still enemies. And the third time was answered with anger from Katara’s side when she and Zuko had become much closer. I was however disappointed with the end kiss from them both, since I was rooting for Zuko:(.

12) What song reminds you of #5?

The song Koi no NAZONAZO" by Kuko and Tricky Shirai was specially writing for Vegeta’s and Bulma’s relationship.

13) Which of these ships do you love the most?

Are you kidding me? Not again xd :’) now I have to choose between SIX. Fine, I guess I’ll chose #3 Drew and May, but only because there was never a doubt about that ship for me. I was converted into #1, 2 and 6; #5 is my least favorite of the 6 and I only sometimes like Tea so also not #4.

14) Which do you dislike the most?

Still the same answer as question 8. It’s pedophilia, so I dislike #10 Rebecca and Yugi the most.

15) If you could have any two of these pairings double date, which would it be? Why?

I’m hesitating between #1 Katara/Zuko, #2. Gary/Misty and #6 Draco/Hermione, those boys and those girls kind of have the same characteristics so I’m hoping they’ll get along with each other. Hmm ok, final chose is #2 and #6

16) Has #2 kissed yet?

Yes they have in my dreams ^^ and in my fics, does that count too :’)?

17) Did #4 have a happy ending?

:( Unfortunately they did NOT :(

18) What would make you start shipping #13?

When shipping #6 Draco/Hermione really wasn’t possible.

19) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6?

Gary/Misty or Draco/Hermione, aaaaah didn’t I already answered a question like that? You want me to doom either Misty, either Hermione? You can’t do this to me :o it’s even worse than question nr 7. I can’t do this, I can’t do this. Uh, you’re killing me. I’m biting on my nails again. Ok fine, have it your way, I choose #2 Gary and Misty. I just like Gary better than Draco.

20) You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?

I have no idea why, but I kind of think the idea of Mokuba and Rebecca cute. Even though I don’t really really like Rebecca. It just kind of popped up in my mind. I have no idea what to do with Yugi. But that’s so typical me xd I never know who to place with the main character. Like Yugi, Ash, Aang or Harry. :’) There is something wrong with me:p.

Sorry if there were any mistakes written ^^

zutara, egoshipping, meme, fandom, bulma&vegeta, azureshipping, contestshipping, dramione

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