Well its been long time.

Sep 18, 2018 17:57

Its been a while .... so whats new with me?

I started on new crossover fic. That I write solely now, since I haven't got the time for multi-writing. New job is pretty demanding. It is 3 fandoms cross, with multiple PoV's.

Buffy and Tara are reborn in to Weteross (Game of Thrones) to Robert and Cersei. This is also Magi crossover. So its 3 fandoms. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Game of Thrones and Magi:The Labyrinth of Magic/Adventures of Sinbad. The title for this fic is: Swan Song of Reflection it is posted on AO3 and Fanfiction Net, under the name redcristal

Now I finally decided that I'll join in "Fic-a-Day" challenge next August that is 2019 for Twisted Shorts on Twisting the Hellmouth. I already started compiling info for it. In addition prompts are chosen from TTH challenge pages and combined into one story.

Challenges in question: Snow White and the Slayer, with the issuer of the challenge agreeing that I can make Joyce Raveena's daughter and not Buffy.

There are also some changes in BtVS canon:
Joyce Summer's name is actually Joywren, and she is a daughter of Raveena (Snow White and the Huntsman). She ended up in BtVS dimension when she was 8 years old.

Challenge 8014: Dark Child, a bit adjusted in the details to fit in general narrative of the story.

And couple of others ... more about this tomorrow, I need to write next chapter of Swans Song of Reflection.


slice of my life, livejournal, blah, musings

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