Hi there! Remember me? The person who reads your LJ every day but does not write consistently? You're long lost stalker!! (HAHA)
Well, been married now for about 4 months. Not much has changed in that department. We love each other but have our fights....who doesn't? People ask "how's married life?" and I always say......the same. It's true!
Other things.....we are moving back into my parents house. We are not broke or anything, but we have been looking at houses for awhile since the marker is so good, but if we ever hope to get one, we need to pay off our debt and get a downpayment....not going to happen unless we can save the $1100 we spend on rent each month! So, we are going to move back in and save mad loot and hopefully get a house in a year or so.
Beyond that, I am SOOO overwhelmed and stressed, more so than I've been in a long time. Even though I am not teaching band this year, I am so much going on that I can't imagine how I would feel if I was also doing that! Here's what I am working on:
- moving
- regular teaching duties, planning etc.
- extra work for chorus (instrument parts)
- voice lessons at UMass Lowell
- grad class at Lowell - mad reading assignments and reflection papers
- working on my thesis
- watching videos for my thesis
- beginning the writeup for my thesis
So not to mention that I need to RELAX sometimes too, I have so much going on! I cannot WAIT until this semester is over and December break is here--but my thesis will be with me for awhile yet, not to mention the spring semester is going to be SOOOO busy too! What am I getting myself into?? Plus I have been so busy I haven't been exercising and I feel like SHIT.
In conclusion, I am currently procrastinating on taking notes on my thesis videos, and so I better get back to it. Wish me luck and prayers that I don't die!!