May 21, 2006 23:23
Death is an enigma to me...not something i fear, but certainly something I don't understand.
Today sitting in Mrs.Murphy's memorial service it hit me that Madison is really gone. i had been in such shock that I never really cried for her, but today I just started sobbing and couldn't stop. I literally cried so mcuh oday that one of my eyes is swolen.
Thankfully, Ben and Brooke came to my rescue. We went to dinner and then they helped paint my car for my last week of high school. I am definitely on a sensory overload, but if these last few days have taught me anything, it is that love is really the greatest thing in this world....It amazes me how you can have all the faith in the world, but without love, you have nothing...
For all of those whose shoulders I have cried on these past few days...thank you...I'm working on being a stronger person....but it's not going so well....