after a midnight snack

Jun 09, 2007 02:18

Sounds: rain, occasional swish of passing car, clink of wrench on metal, wings flapping
Time: midnight
Light: dim ambient street light, two fluorescent light tubes overhead make a greenish patch in the night
Cars: small, red van, front end pointed inward toward the garage, back end pointed toward the street, raised on a jack
People: me, mechanic's legs and stomach protruding from beneath van
Location: a garage, obviously-one whose workspace extends out onto the sidewalk, which the van is blocking; overhead a concrete cieling
Shadows: deep black
Animals: two small birds-prettier than sparrows-one perched on a wire that hangs from the ceiling, the other flying mad irregular circles close to the ceiling; a medium-sized blood-red butterfly involved in a complicated dance that often overlaps that of the bird, but never interacts with it and is thematically distinct
Discord: present
Second bird: takes off to fly in its own weird circles; similar to first bird, but no apparent interaction; butterfly simultaneously lands upside-down on white concrete ceiling and slowly waves crimson wings
Finally: second bird lands, first bird circles around butterfly, up-and-down aspect of flight becomes increasingly dramatic so that contact almost occurs between insect and bird; bird leaves sheltered garage area to make several large circles in night rain, returns; I look down to find mechanic staring at me; I continue home, while bird continues to circle
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