So remember how the last time Taiwan and China agreed on anything was in 1992, when they formed a consensus that has served as the foundation for the One China Principle? Well, it turns out that that was al just a big lie. In 2000, when it became clear that Chen as going to be the next president, this guy made it up-made it up!-in order to try to preserve some vestige of cross-strait harmony. Of course, the DPP is having a big party, since Chen has been saying this was a fraud all along, but no one listened (maybe because Chen has so little credibility that even when he tells the truth and no one can find any documentation to counter him, people still assume he's full of shit).
This has been a huge part of cross-strait relations, and a major point that the US hammers over and over to try to keep things stable. When I was in DC, I can't tell you how many times I heard people mention the 1992 Consensus. A historian who spoke during the Ambassador Program training told me there was no real evidence for the existence of "the so-called '1992 consensus,'" but at the time I wrote him off. Oops.
Taipei Times:
Su Chi admits the "1992 consensus" was made up Taipei Times:
Chen says KMT, CCP have been deceiving the world (has an interesting paragraph on Ma Yingjeou's reaction: "In response to Chen's criticisms, KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), yesterday said the DPP may disagree with the content of the '1992 consensus,' but it could not deny that such a consensus exists"-actually, I won't believe this until I see a direct quote; I can't believe Ma would be dumb enough not to cut his losses on this one, although he
hasn't exactly been in top form lately lately.)
東森新聞報 (ET Today):
蘇起:自創「九二共識」包裝「一中各表」 李登輝事後知 (Su Qi: I made up the "1992 Consensus" by spinning the different opinions of "One China"; Lee Tenghui only found out later) (Only worth reading for the quote 沒想到中共接受了,美國也接受了,就是民進黨政府不願接受 / "I never thought that the PRC would accept it, and America would accept it, and only the DPP would be unwilling to accept it.")