To whom it may concern:

Mar 12, 2009 01:59

It has come to my attention that someone has used my LJ page to attack - and hurt - a very good friend of mine. This is unacceptable.

This is the kind of behavior I would expect to see from a bunch of second-graders, not from a so-called adult. So if the person responsible is still snooping on here for goodies, I'd like to have a word with you. A quick moment, just for us. Please, click below.

Ok look, cunt. There's something you need to understand, and the sooner you get it through your brick-thick skull, the happier we'll all be. Some things are none of your business. Not even close. You had absolutely no right to drag me into your petty bullshit. Got your precious little feelings hurt because someone decided you weren't worth their time? Too fucking bad, bitch. I'm sorry that your daddy didn't hug you enough back when you still had the potential to be a useful member of the human race. But the thing is, it ain't my problem. So if you think that doctoring the little glimpses of info you've gleaned from here in order to be hurtful and unpleasant is funny, think again. 'Cuz see, here's the thing - I don't take shit like this lightly. You fuck with my friends, you fuck with me. And trust me, you don't fuck with me, I do all the fucking.

So do us all a favor. Drop it. Take your stinging pride, and your daddy issues, and take a fucking hike, and don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out. And while we're on the subject, please be so kind as to stick a pipe up your ass so that maybe you'll quit talking out of it.

Now I'm betting that, just out of curiosity, some people for whom that message was not intended may have had a peek to see what dear ol' RJ is uptight about.  So just to clear up the who's who of the matter, I will clarify thusly:  Unless the intersection of Bellevue and Scott has any meaning to you, you're not the subject of my ire.  But I'm sure you got a chuckle out of my little rant, and are wondering just who did something to annoy me so?

Well, I'm not naming names.  I don't roll that way.  But let's see who's got some guts here.  If you're reading this, why not make yourself known instead of skulking in the shadows like a coward.  How about it toots, have you got the tits big enough to show your pathetic face?  I'm calling you out.  I dare - no, I DEFY YOU to come after me the way you went after my friend.  If you have something to say about me, why not say it TO me?  Let's see if you're actually worth the time and effort that writing this took, or if you're a just a worthless chickenshit mudslinger who can best be described as the wasteful outcome of an otherwise perfectly good fuck?  Show me that you've got a pair or quit wasting my fucking oxygen.

Actually, I should apologize at this point.  I got angry, and in doing so, started using big, long, grownup words that you may not quite understand.  Let me paraphrase myself.

Bring it, bitch.

-RJ out

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