The good, the bad, and the expected...

Oct 07, 2008 22:17

The road trip of which I spoke is fantastic.  New Hampshire is awesome.  I'll go into more detail later, along with photos (some edited, I'm playing with those now...), and my usual irreverent take on things.  So stay tuned...

On the other hand, I'm getting to like it just a little bit too much...  but couldn't bear the winters here.  Hell, I'm not overly fond of the winters in Indy.  Here it just plain gets unpleasant.  So, bummer on that point.

And the there's this...

AIG Execs Go On Vacation With Bailout Money

...which is the kind of thing that I more or less expected to happen.  I'll not razz anybody here for supporting the bailout plan...  but then again our next tax statements will do that for me.

By the people, of the people, for the people.   Bah.

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