Fucking A, My sleeping pattern sucks!

Nov 03, 2007 06:46

I could really use some Brawndo right now. I have work in about 3 hours and can't get to sleep.

OTR ruins lives. Kamika, I don't get paid enough for this. :P People need to not take things and blow them out of proportions. John you jackass, why did you have to go to college(pfft you don't need it :P), because if you were supervisor none of this would have happened. Because you are used to the group and talking behind people's backs and because we know you are gay and that wouldn't come up in conversation if you were or not. Seriously, this is what people do. Without talking shit people blow up and go on a shooting spree, and we don't need that now.

Guitar Hero 3 is amazing. That's all I really have to say about that. The game makes me happy.

Speaking of happy, Gina is amazing. I can truly say I'm in love again. She doesn't just accept my weirdness. She likes it and acts just as goofy and weird. Not to mention she's gorgeous and sweet and really caring. I really could have not asked for someone better. And guys(Tina and Ari esp) lay off the she's too good for me thing, because I seriously thought that she was for a while and that causes problems in my mind when I think that. I know you guys aren't serious, but still. I really don't need to question myself right after she gave me her virginity. Oh and for those that don't know, Gina and I had sex, and if I didn't tell you personally, before or after you found out regardless, then I'm sorry, but I figured you didn't want to know or cared.

Things are basically good right now. I need a better paying job or a second job or something. I need money. I owe people money and I feel like shit because I can't pay them back and it sucks like Jenny and her $200. Hopefully, I can find a job that is hiring mornings, and pays decent. I really need to check out Denny's.

I basically am just typing to pass the time. I am going to make myself a huge pot of coffee in a little bit and hope not to pass out sometime halfway in the middle of the day cause that would suck especially because I'm not allowed to do that at work anymore.

I change my layout cause I got bored and upgraded to a plus account and my old layout was fucked up with it. Seriously, I don't want to just sit here, so I keep type random shit. I think I'll go play some guitar hero 3. If you read this and I'm still sitting here, please IM me. I need it.

And if you read all of this kudos to you. I would have stopped a long time ago. Well byebye now. I've wasted enough of your life.
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