Nov 01, 2003 00:50
Lately, I’ve had San Francisco drivers respond with righteous indignation to some of my automobile maneuvers. It puzzled me at first, but I now realize that it comes down to local differences in driving style. In Chicago, for example, (and I belong to that driving school) it is considered totally normal to muscle your way into a lane of traffic with your car. Simply stick your nose in front of another car and they’ll just say “Goddamnit, I guess he’s in now,” and leave it at that. Any conflict that might arise in this situation occurs at the level of not letting the other driver work his way over. Once his vehicle blocks your path, the deal is done and you have no choice but to accept your fate. However, in San Francisco, they’ll give you the indignant headshake whenever you throw your vehicle in their way, and likely do something that will block your path and create a minor traffic fiasco. Nevermind that these same drivers consider it totally normal to make U-turns anywhere they please regardless of any other traffic in the area, including full circles through tiny intersections while other drivers wait to move through the crossroads - that’s just the nature of localized driving ethics. During a brief trip to Boston, I learned that it is common practice for a driver making a left turn to bolt out in front of the oncoming traffic as soon as the light turns green. Nobody gets mad about this - it is expected. However, pulling that shit in San Francisco would stir up some serious ire. Well, fuck them. Next time they try giving me guff, I’ll laugh in the faces of the unworldly bastards.