Some badges:
January 27th is the Second Annual
LiveJournal Rabbit Hole Day! Your normal life will be waiting for you when you get back. If you decide to come back.
January 27th is the Second Annual
LiveJournal Rabbit Hole Day! Travel through time. Turn into an animal. Flee from assassins. Talk to your goldfish.
January 27th is the Second Annual
LiveJournal Rabbit Hole Day! Conquer Greenland. Sprout some extra limbs. Walk on water. Marry an insect.
January 27th is the Second Annual
LiveJournal Rabbit Hole Day! Fall down the Rabbit Hole for 24 hours and see what's there. It will be beautiful.
January 27th is the Second Annual
LiveJournal Rabbit Hole Day! Because we can pretend that the world makes sense the other 364 days of the year.
For consideration: will add table source to comments