The younger man takes the available seat and presses his fingers to his temples for a moment to steady his thoughts before beginning:
"There's a desolate planet - where there was once a thriving offworld colony, now there is only a fallen state of chaos. The surviving humans have returned to a sort of savage pagan state - their memories of Earth long faded into legend, their old notions of ethno-national identity eroded into a new array of deities and heroes.
"He works as a lowly maintenance assistant in the Temple of one of the Godesses. A janitor, of sorts - replacing candles, replenishing incense supplies, cleaning soot marks from the walls. He's indentured, little more than a slave of the priestesses - bought from a debt-prison and put to work on menial labor for many years now.
"She's the daughter of a family of good genetic reputation but poor in wealth. A dutiful worshipper of this particular Goddess, she is often in the halls of the Temple to make offering for herself and her family - what little they can. Her strong genes mean she can have her pick of mate; their lack of money means she cannot put it off forever.
"Normally, their paths would never meet, for his work is limited to the places and times that worship is not being conducted, but some unusual circumstance - perhaps a one-off errand for a younger priestess who is not fully aware of protocol - results in them seeing each other in the main ritual hall, as he works and she prays.
"They immediately catch each others' eyes, of course, as is the way of such stories. Though they do not - may not - exchange even a single word in that time and place, each realizes that they may - they must - cross paths again, in some time and some place where they are not so strictly separated from one another.
"Each tries again and again to make such a moment happen, but it is difficult. They cross paths frequently, each contriving reasons - he in his work, her in her family offerings - to be in the common spaces of the Temple at likely times. But only ever at a distance, or under observation. They learn of each other only indirectly.
"She is impressed by the steadfast devotion he applies to his labor. Though it is enforced upon him by Law, he seems determined to do well with it for its own sake. He is impressed by the impassioned fervor she applies to her rituals. As her family has little wealth to conspicuously offer in public view, it is clearly done in sincere belief.
"The months go by and each feels as though they know the other to their very core. It is clear that they are meant to be together, but how can it be? The Mating Season is almost upon them. She will need to choose a husband, it cannot wait. He may well be traded to a breeding house, to produce more servants. So little time!
"Then, one day, the Head Priestess calls him to her office. She tells him that a well-placed family has taken note of the quality of his work at the Temple, and has offered to buy out his debtor's contract and bring him into their own household as a Free Man. He will be able to walk the streets, to talk to anyone he wishes - to her! To her!
"But she, of course, also received news, as her Father sits with her in their garden. The Temple has taken note of her devoted worship - when so many her age spend all their time seeking a husband! - and has offered to clear her Birthing Obligation and bring her into their halls as a Priestess. She will be with him every day! With him!
"You already know what has happened, of course: The Father and the Priestess have made their deal as debts are cleared over the exchange of a Daughter for a Chamberlain. He is in the very home of his loved one… but she is no longer there. She is in the halls of her loved one… but he is no longer there.
"Now, each day, it is he who makes frequent and impassioned offerings in the Temple, and she who walks among its halls insuring all is in order - so close, and yet still divided by the Law. And still, they try to find that moment in place and time where they can be together, to speak to each other face-to-face, even if for only that moment."
The older man waits for the space of seven breaths, to insure the other is done, and steeples his own hands in front of his glowering face before responding:
"What part of 'pitch me a cop-buddies project for Vin Diesel' did you not understand?"
For consideration: Leviticus 25:1 - 27:34; freedom of slaves during the Jubilee; vows and gifts to the Sanctuary; God is very clear about what obedience and sin will result in