Favorite Villains:

Dec 30, 2010 10:09

Okay, so after a conversation with my friend alephz, I started thinking about my favorite villains. So I came up with my list of my top 10 villains of all time (fictional, and individual -- groups such as the Daleks don't count, nor do real people like Pol Pot or Hitler). Lex Luthor and the Red Skull were both edged out, taking slots 11 and 12 respectively.

10) Maleficent -- the best Disney villain of all time. Evil, class, and shrewd manipulative cunning.

9) Joker. Batman has some great villains, but there's a reason the Joker is his arch-enemy. He's brutal, he's funny, and you NEVER know what to expect.

8) Dracula, specifically as presented by Marvel comics. (True, he's not wholly fictional, but he's MOSTLY fictional -- there was a real guy, but he was never an undead bloodsucking creature of the night). He's cunning, utterly evil, and occasionally sympathetic.

7) Palpatine, from Star Wars. He's particularly evil when you include the expanded universe (which I do). He's patient, cunning, manipulative, and unredeemingly evil. It's only when he loses his patience at the very end that he's finally taken down.

6) Scarecrow, from Batman. Okay, so it might be geek-heresy to list him higher than the Joker, but... man, this is my favorite Bat-villain. Brilliant chemist and psychologist, who just wants to understand fear... meaning he needs to gas Gotham City and kill everyone for his lab experiments.

5) Moriarty, from the Sherlock Holmes novels. This is a serious A-list bastard. He is the original arch-villain, and is the mold from which all future arch-villains were made.

4) Sinestro, from Green Lantern. Okay, admittedly, Geoff Johns has made him far more of a complex villain. Sinestro has gone from a mustache-twirling melodramatic villain to a deeply complex and fascinating character. Again, like with the top three, you can totally understand where he's coming from.

3) Megatron, from (gen 1) Transformers. He truly is an amazing villain, and one who you KNOW is bad news whenever he appears.

2) Dr. Doom, from all over Marvel comics (but mostly Fantastic Four). The best comic villain of all time. He's occasionally sympathetic, driven wholly by ego, and can be a threat for anyone from Daredevil to the Beyonder.

And for the top of the list?

1) Scorpius (from Farscape). Far and away, my favorite villain of all time. He is a brilliant bastard, and what's worse, you completely understand him and even occasionally sympathize with him... but you can never ever trust him. Even when you have to.

Alright, then. Anyone wish to share their list with me?
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