Devious Journal Entry

Mar 27, 2010 01:12


F:         RM 30

A:         RM 30

S:         TY  06

E:         IN   40

R:         EX  20
I:          AM 50
P:         EX  20

H:         106 [                 ]

K:         90   [                 ]

Res:      Gd 10
Pop:      0


Real Name: Jonah Jacob Reis

Occupation: Psychic

Legal Status: Citizen of the U.S., Still a minor, formerly committed for Psychological Observation

Known Aliases: Le Main Rouge (Red Hand in France)

Place of Birth: Danvers, Mass

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Jan (mother), Jacob (grandfather), Paul (father), Jonah (grandfather)

Base of Ops: Mobile

Group Affiliation: Disciple of Khefrem the Egyptian


Probability Manipulation: Am 50- Initially Hex’s power was uncontrollable, and acted essentially like an Am Rank Telekinesis that only activated when he failed a Psyche FEAT roll, when it would attack everything inside 1 area.

Since he has developed control, He can make unlikely (but not impossible) events occur. This can include walls collapsing, locks unlocking, electrical shorts, spontaneous mechanical failure, combustion of flammable materials, and disruption of powers or Energy fields. This power manifests as waves of scarlet energy.

For game purposes, he uses it exactly as if it were an Energy Projection power at Power Rank and Range, that does not (directly) affect  living targets. Essentially he directs this blast at what he wants to affect, and if he scores sufficient Damage, it is considered “broken”.

Usually he must see his target to affect it. However, he is quite adept at targeting specific parts of complex devices, such as the brakes on a vehicle.

Psychic:  Hex has been affected by undefined psychic abilities since childhood. Generally this is reflected by his high INT.


Hex is especially skilled at directing his power. He has the Marksman Talent and receives a +1 CS to Hit with his Power with No Range penalty. He is trained in the ancient Egyptian Martial Art known as Tepef-Ra (Dance of the Sun), which gives him the Acrobatics and Martial Arts E Talents. His training under his

Master Khefrem has given him the Occult Lore Talent as well.

  • Khefrem the Egyptian (Occult tutor)
  • Father Damian Blair (Priest)
  • Jill Takashi (girlfriend)
  • Cairo

  • Insulated Ballistic Cloth Jacket: Ty Phys Protection, Gd Heat/Flame/Cold. Called Shot to bypass Protection
  • Gerber Mk II boot knife: Ex MS, Ty EA/ET Damage - Hex carries a small dagger in his boot, both for utility and self-protection.
  • Shin and Forearm guards: Ex MS, Provides Gd Phys Protection. Khepef-Ra utilizes a number of strikes with the forearm and shin. Such strikes are +1CS Damage.


Height: 5’ 8”

Weight: 150 lb.

Eyes: Red w/ catlike pupils

Hair: Black w/ red highlights


Distinguishing Features: Red ahnk tattoo across his back, thin scar across the bridge of his nose.

Looks slightly pouty because of a prominent lower lip

Typical Dress: A-line t-shirt, red leather jeans, red wool vest, heavy black boots w/ steel toe and heel caps, chromed steel shin and forearm guards, long red coat.

Antique ruby ring on left hand, ruby stud earring in left ear.

Personality/Role Playing Notes:

Angry most of the time, prone to be sarcastic and acerbic, even with friends.

Quick-tempered, hates doctors and hospitals. Sleeps little and restlessly because of bad dreams, Stays awake for days at a time until he is exhausted. Drinks WAY too much coffee and is often jittery and nervous because of it. And he’s maybe just the least bit paranoid.


Jonah Reis was the only son of a wealthy Massachusetts family. From an early age, he was plagued by troubling visions and terrifying dreams. The situation was not helped by the fact that his father was cold and distant, and prone to using physical punishments for the slightest of infractions.

Around the age of ten, disturbances began to plague his family. Whenever he was upset or afraid, objects would begin to hurl themselves about. Eventually his parents became so fearful of him that they had him committed at the Danvers State Asylum.

Jonah fell into the hands of Dr. Elias King, who had no concern at all for his young patient, but was interested in him as a test case for radical treatments. The results of these procedures was that Jonah’s outbursts became more and more violent, until he had to be constantly sedated so that he would not injure himself or others.

Around the age of thirteen, Jonah’s powers began to fully manifest, and his enhanced recuperative system began to make the sedatives and drugs ineffective. Finally, in his first controlled use of his Probability-warping power, he caused an entire wing of the hospital to collapse, and escaped.

Uninterested in rejoining his family, Jonah was only concerned with putting a stop to his dreams and visions. Stowing away aboard a freighter, he traveled and hiked his was to Paris, where one of his visions had led him to believe he would find peace. There he found an Egyptian, Khefrem, who practiced Egyptian, and therefore Atlantean, mysticism. Khefrem took the angry boy in as a disciple, to teach him to control both his power and his psychic gift, and incidentally, to control himself so that he would not endanger others.

At the age of sixteen, Jonah received word that his parents had died in a house fire. His only remaining relative, his maternal grandfather for whom he was named, was still alive but paraplegic and confined to a wheelchair, and wanted his grandson back. Returning to the States, he took up residence in his family’s old carriage house and discovered that he had inherited a substantial trust fund.

After spending some weeks investigating the wreck of his family home, Jonah discovered that the fire was set, and his parents had in actuality been murdered. He came to believe that a distant cousin had it done in order to claim the inheritance, since Jonah was not known to be alive. Since then he has been searching for the culprit to bring them to justice, and protecting his grandfather, since he also believes that the murderer of his parents will try to eliminate him.

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