Pinch me, please!

Mar 19, 2018 23:46

Seriously, because... pigs must be flying and chicken must have grown teeth.

One  thing that I learned when I joined KAT-TUN fandom was that social media  and Youtube were like tabus and inexistent things for any J&A group. It surprised me at first, puzzled me. I mean, how did  these bands promote themselves and other stuff without being on Youtube and some sort of  social media? I got used to it quickly, unfortunately. There was nothing  that could be done. And from the looks of it, things didn't seem to be changing any time soon. We (Johnnys fans) were resigned.

Then... then when we though J&A was never going to come into the 21st century and join the rest of the world  in the way entertainment works these days... Lo and behold, they allow their idols pics to appear in articles when there is a publicity shoot for a movie or drama, allow their artists to publish photos of themselves  on Jnet, create a Juniors Youtube channel and.....

THIS <3<3<3

- 神野紫 -yukari- (@pompin1103) March 19, 2018

This is just a small glimpse of around 8 minutes of pure EPIC KAT-TUN cuteness and randomness and .... awesomeness! (I could go on and on and on..... ^^')

It was just brilliant, and I was lucky it was on during my lunch break. I wasn't even sure it would broadcast outside of Japan but it did and it was just pure bliss!

Seeing the three of them together, so hyper and at the same time not sure what to do, or say or act... maybe this was what made it great - their spontaneity. The giggling in the background, the weird idiotic faces, the smouldering looks, the kisses, lolol.

Let's just say that it made my day. It made me laugh and have a full on smile the rest of the day. I'm still smiling as I write this and my heart is still soaring.

And Thursday there's more!!!  I hope this is a trend to stay.

I'm just still in awe, that KAT-TUN was on a Live internet webcast that showed globally. O_O So please do pinch me! Or maybe not!

Happy week, everyone!!!!!

line live, kat-tun, fangirling

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