Apr 07, 2008 13:34
So my mom asked me for like the 700th time what I want to do for my birthday.
Which is sort of silly since july is still like, what 3 months away.
Anyways, the other day she made a joke about having a party at my house and just saying it was a byobb.
My mom is so strange.
But I suppose I should think of something just to please her.
Here are some thoughts:
1. taser party
2. camping with a bonfire and most def drinking
3. Vegas
Three is the most obvious choice and most likely what is going to occur.
Also going to speak to my wonderful advisor in like 30 minutes.
She'll probably tell me I'm a failure and that I need to take like 700 years more of college before I can graduate.
We shall see though.
I know I need to take effing statistics and obviously more histroy courses and I also need to fit in French 202 or Korean 202 somewhere in there next semeseter.
Should all be terribly interesting.
Ick I still need to write a paper on The Tools of Empire.
It is about imperialism and technology.
I've only read the intro and that was so I could bs an answer for a question on the midterm.
But I'm hoping that the limited knowledge will be able to bs this paper.
I'm not sure if I have actually read a whole book for any of my classes this semester.
I mean I have read them sort of but not the whole book.
And I am obviously not making any sense since I am so tired today.