Nov 14, 2006 07:13
I received this email from my friend Shana this morning...and yes I'm trying to get in touch with her as well as praying for her family :(
Hello everyone I am just writing you guys to tell you Y I have not been on in a while. Well Monday I was in the emergency room and I had the flu so they had to give me an I.V. so they can keep me and my baby hydrated, well I was sick mon, tues, and wed. On thursday morning around 2:00 I was getting sharp pains and they would come like every 10 to 15 minutes or so. Then at 3 I had more pains and they were coming around 5 to 10 minutes. At 4 I was on the phone with my OB asking her about these pains that I am having and she said to come to the ER and they will find out what was wrong. Well they send me to L and D which is labor and delivery and they tried to put a baby monitor on me and I told them I had to go to the bathroom, so i went to the bathroom and I had diarrhea and when I pushed again and the umblical cord was prolapsed out of my vagina. So they took me to have an Emer. c-section and my baby was without blood and oxygen for 15 minutes before they resusitated her. Well then they took her to Children Hospital of the Kings Daughters and I was released on Saturday so I went to her and she wasnt doing so well because we thought she was moving to our voice she was having mini seizures and her kidneys failed and also her lungs werent developed at all. So today we actually decided to pull the plug on her because she wasnt getting any better and if I would have let her go on the machines she would have had her brain swollen and she dint have much of a survival rate. So Shyanne Zofia is with the lord right now and I am trying my hardest so is her fater and family to be strong.