Life's blind untill one sees the light from the love you give.

Sep 19, 2005 17:28

So I sit here, downstairs in my room, infront of this semi-ancient computer, typing out my latest journal entry because its now -Checks- 3:50am and im not going to risk going upstairs onto the net-connected computer to actually post this. So right, I sit here typing, watching..uh, what am I watching. -Checks- Oh that's right…haha I should have known right from the start. Man on Fire, really good movie, kinda slow in the beginning, which is where I am now. Oh well such is life.

Alright, so recap of the last little while, well major events anyways. Only one major event in the loner life of Joe:
Joe has broken up with Nichole. Yup…I did it Friday night. I really wish I could have done it in person, but alas I am better at expressing myself in writing, than I am in vocal sence. On the phone im not so bad, but its still vocal, so I still have troubles vocalizing what I want to get acoss. I feel bad about it too because I really liked Nichole, but it seems that my personal doubts about myself and our relationship took things over, and I couldn't let these kinds of doubts ruin something that could have been great, later on down the line. I would have loved to stay with Nichole, go through Christmas with her and her family, her birthday, thanksgiving, etc. Though in my mind it just wouldn't be right to sit back, while these doubts killed off things, it wouldn't be right for me as a person to do, as a reborn gentleman to do. Nichole deserves so much more than I could have and did give her.

Nichole is far more talented, beautiful and smarter than she gives herself credit for, which I find is a tradgety, because if she could only see just how truly great she is, she could go so much farther. All one needs is that extra self-confidence boost and they can do almost anything that they desire. Well almost anything.

So onto a major-minor side note, it seems people really do have a natural bad sence of timing, for not even thirty minutes after I broke it off with Nichole, a girl I know 'confessed her love' to me, amoung other things. Lovely eh? Break up with someone you loved, and BAM another one lined up waiting for you. -.- Not something I needed. So Needless to say I polietly told her it was just alittle too soon for me to comment properly upon what she had told me, and that I needed time. I seriously hope she understood that, because the last thing I need right now is someone not getting the point in leaving me and that subject alone when I need to be.

Such is life I guess, filled with mis-matches, counter actions, broken hearts and love. Yippie! O_o;

So I 'purchased' the newest Axe body spray scent, 'Unlimited' and I quite like it. So im going to add it to my permanent smell list. I really wish they would have had 'VooDoo' there, seeing as it is my favorite out of all the Axe spray scents. Such a nice scent…mmmm -drools-

Hmm movie update. Right now we're at about the 45minute mark, where the little girl gives the bodyguard a gift. For those that have seen the movie they'll know what im talking about, and if you havent I suggest you go out and rent it or buy it right now because it is one wicked movie. Hm so set out before me is the single squad of Space Marines I had begun to paint, and looking at them I have a major craving to finish painting them. Perhaps I shall do that soon. Wont be for awhile though as it seems the 'god' of my Parentals, my mother has placed it upon herself to foce me to go out job hunting, less than three weeks after I tried already. Im not saying im going to give up because no one has called me back, im just saying I usually give it a month or so..most people say two weeks, but im comfortable right now, I don't absolutly need a job, so a month or so works for me.
But alas my authority on my own life, well what I do with my time, job wise has been over-ridden and placed under parental control. So I expect for awhile, or untill I get a job, that my parental units will be riding my ass all the way.
What I don't think they understand is the fact that I've basicly worked at all the major places (minus the fast food places, because I refuse to work at them) and as such they will over-look me for someone new I think. Maybe I can convince my mother to lay off my back untill the new Wal-Mart is built, so I can get a job there working stock or something like that. Wouldn't be that bad, nothing I havent done before in either Canadian Tire, or Extra Foods.

-Pause for movie, drink and food- Time check, Monday 4:40am.

So this is turning into a 2-part deal, as im going to bed now. Finish this after I get up.

Alright so im back and its, 5:10pm alittle later than i was expecting to continue this at but oh well. I didnt actually get to sleep untill about 8am, which in turn gave me four hours of sleep, as i got up at noon today...though i did remain in bed looking up at the roof untill 2. Lovely how things like that work. For some reason i feel like being an asshole to people today, well minus a select few people, but everyone out, im in an asshole mood...i dont feel like being nice. Hurrah! O_o; Or not.

Hmm, so i got up at 2 and came upstairs to find my living room filled with a new couch and chair that look like they've been ripped out of the 70's...very creepy. So i talked to Chandelle today, made me feel alot better. She had to go though, Shane was kicking her off cause he wanted to talk to his mom, what an idiot. Oh well, she said she'd be back later tonight, so hopefully i'll catch her then and get some more stuff off my chest. I may be everyone elses shoulder and ear, but Chandelle is mine and i love her for it.

So it seems that...i have lost my place in what i was going to say. People on msn right now just wont shut up and stop talking. Its driving me nuts, having to cut off my ideas to say 'Ah i see' or 'Indeed' I mean seriously. That girl that i mentioned before, that confessed her love to me, is talking about how she went out with some guy she met online today, and how shes going out with her ex to fofill her Physical needs while she waits for me to get over my stuff and answer her about what she said to me. Ugh why must it be me that this falls upon? Why cant it be Bob...nothing ever happens to Bob. *sigh*

I feel like writing, i feel like painting, i feel like walking around town on this nice Fallish day and taking pictures...but i just cant seem to get the motivation to get up and do it. Maybe i'll play alittle more Escape Velocity: Nova and take over some more planets eh? That should make me happy...senceless destruction of a planets defence forces and bending the planet into domination so it worships me as a god. Yeah i think i could go with being worshiped as a god right about now. Alright, so its settled then. im going to kill this off, then go kill off all the msn conversations and go play alittle Escape Velocity. *grins* Oh this shall be fun.

So untill next time my little dancing puppets,
Keep an eye on the skies and be prepared to that is MWAHAHAAH!
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