Jun 27, 2009 23:10
These posts are getting weirder and weirder ^^
Update in my foot - getting worse. Parents say a trip to the doctor is imminent if it's still bad by Monday. (We want to avoid waiting room lines - apparently, people only injure themselves on weekends.)
The contest - I'm getting ready to enter! I'm just making sure everything's purrrrfect, and then I'll submit it, and then I'll give you guys a link to it. But not right now.
Also - I am now going to update whenever I bloody feel like it, instead of trying to come up with something, on the spot, every evening. This may result in posts every hour or two. Hopefully it will not, but it may.
Pi - I know this much of pi:
Yep, five digits. Considering most people only know two I'm pretty proud of myself.
There's a problem, however - call me obsessive compulsive, but it sounds like the next six digits should rhyme. Say it out loud. SAY IT. It does, doesn't it?
And, as luck would have it, it does rhyme! I just did a quick search for it and, because the universe is kind, it does. It does! Sort of.
Say it with me, now:
Three point one four one five nine,
Two six five three five eight nine.
Of course, saying the same number twice doesn't really count, but when you consider that none of the numbers rhyme (except possibly five and nine) this is probably the best we could do.
Thanks, universe, for taking pity on us OCD people.
Sorry for the random obscessing over the digits of pi and whether or not they rhyme. You'll find, once you get to know me, that a) I'm either not very interesting or b) I'm kind of weird. At least I can't be both ^^
This section of this post is related, in part, to the number nine. I just find it neat, all the neat tricks and stuff that one can do with nine. It's funny - I consider writing over arithmitic, but I prefer numbers over words. Hmmm.
You know how, in my previous post, I mentioned that my friend's contest rekindled my interested in webdesign? Well, I thought that since I'm updating this thing pretty regularly, I might like to post some little short stories. I think I would, if only the the practice and the feedback.
I'm in kind of a weird mood tonight, my apologies. A weird mood for me means boredom for you :)
Crisis //