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[voice] lostinmyway August 9 2011, 16:44:27 UTC
I can look after your garden, Raven.

[She sounds a little confused. Raven seems a little sad, but she's not sure why.]


[voice] crisis_rain August 9 2011, 16:45:50 UTC
[He's glad to hear that, he knows he can trust her with it.]

Thank you, Grune. I appreciate it.


[voice] lostinmyway August 9 2011, 16:49:10 UTC
You're welcome!

Are you going on a vacation, too?


[voice] crisis_rain August 9 2011, 16:52:39 UTC
Something like that. I just need a bit of time to myself, ta think about things.

Yeah, a vacation would be kinda nice about now.


[voice] lostinmyway August 9 2011, 17:02:12 UTC
Maybe you should go to the beach. Frederic and Giles and Helios went there for a vacation, and I visited Giles after his friends came home. It's very beautiful.


[voice] crisis_rain August 9 2011, 17:08:41 UTC
The beach is gonna be a little crowded around this time of year, bein' summer and all. I'm just gonna go somewhere quiet fer a while.


[voice] lostinmyway August 9 2011, 17:41:18 UTC
Hmm.... The forest is very nice, too. It's a good place for a picnic.


[voice] crisis_rain August 9 2011, 17:56:42 UTC
A picnic, huh? Not quite what I had in mind. I was more thinkin' along the lines of camping out in a community building fer a while.


[voice] lostinmyway August 9 2011, 19:07:46 UTC
Oh, the community buildings are very nice places to visit. Do you know which one you're going to camp in?


[voice] crisis_rain August 9 2011, 19:20:02 UTC
Haha, no not quite. I haven't planned any of this, I'm just makin' it all up as I go along.


[voice] lostinmyway August 9 2011, 19:40:05 UTC
All right. Don't forget to tell me when you decide, so I can come visit you.

[Grune, you're missing the point.]


[voice] Sorry, I'm a bit slow today! crisis_rain August 9 2011, 19:57:11 UTC
Uh... I'd rather you wait till I come back home, if that's alright?


[voice] No, this is perfect! I'm doing my tags between work, so. lostinmyway August 9 2011, 20:09:52 UTC
Oh. [She blinks.] All right.


[voice] o7 crisis_rain August 9 2011, 20:13:02 UTC
I won't be gone long! Don't worry, I'll be back before ya know it.


[voice] lostinmyway August 9 2011, 20:51:00 UTC
All right. I'll make sure to take very good care of your garden!


[voice] crisis_rain August 9 2011, 20:55:02 UTC
Thank you, Grune. I mean it. You're bein' a big help right now.


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