CRM is the most popular managerial software.
As for the most popular - a satisfactory rate for this software is incredibly low.
My lecture - for an unsatisfied. If you have CRM and feel “It should work better” - welcome.
Or probably you already failed a CRM implementation? You'll be impressed with answers and recipies.
I’m going to talk not about CRM. CRM is - according to the name - just instrument of management. Instrument of relationships.
So, I’m going to talk about the relationships. Relationships between a company owner, salesmen and software. Correct establishing of this relationships is my secret. You also discover why your company cannot grow fast.
I have dozens of successful CRM implementations. Successful not for me, but for company owners. There were absolutely different - by price, platform, functionality - CRM products. ‘cause secret is not in a functionality. Secret is in the attitude.