Thanks to everyone who answered my questions. I think there were a lot of intersting answers. It's cool to know what you all thin. It gives you something to ponder at least.
If you want to know my answers to it- they're here, but I'm putting them behind a cut. ^^
The questions:
That being said, would you:
A) Date a person that was transgender, that was physically the gender you’re generally attracted to, but inwardly the other. For example, say you are attracted to women- and a person who is physically female but is inwardly male wants to date you.
B) Date a person that was transgender, but was born the sex you didn’t usually find attractive. For example, say you are attracted to men- and a person who is physically female but is inwardly male wants to date you.
C) Would you have a problem dating someone that was a transsexual (had a sex change), or a hermaphrodite (has both sexual parts)?
Next part:
A) Do you agree with polygamy (marriage of one individual to several)?
B) Do you like the idea, want to participate in, or have participated in a threesome?
C) Do you believe there can be mutual love between three or more individuals romantically in which every party loves everyone else in the group?
D) Would you ever be a part of a relationship like that, consisting of three or more individuals in which everyone loves everyone (rather than one person in love with several, and several in love with one)?
My answers:
A) I would date the person if I liked them. Though it'd take a little practice reminding myself that they aren't the gender they appear to be. That's the only thing. It isn't that they're pretending. It's that they are. So that's my view on it.
B)Same thing here. If I liked the person I would date them. I try not to limit myself with thoughts of sexual orientation. I guess it'd just take some getting used to knowing they were the oppostite sex of what they were born. But I've never met a transgender person in real life, so I don't know exactly what it would be like.
C) I wouldn't have a problem DATING someone, but it'd take some getting used to. But once again I've never met a person that was open enough about it to admit they were a hermaphrodite. And as for Transexuals, I think the different appearance of anatomy would take some getting used to, but it wouldn't stop me from being with the person if I was attracted to them.
Next part:
A) I completely disagree with polygamy. I think it's selfish and somewhat sexist. It's rare to have a woman and several husbands. Generally it's one man and several women. I think it's unfair because one person is getting all the love, while all the others are sharing theirs. I think it's wrong.
B) I have participated- but it wasn't that great since I was young. But the idea turns me on quite a bit. And I definitely would again. ^^
C) I believe and certainly hope. I don't think love can only be shared between two individuals. Love doesn't have rules. So I definitely think it could happen and probably does.
D) I would love to be. Something about that makes me feel good. But I love the idea of tribes and groups, too. So that could have something to do with it. But since I like the two guy thing, it'd be an absolute dream to fall in love with two guys that love me and each other. But any combination would be emotionally, spiritually and physically very pleasurable and exciting. (of course, I don't know how long it'd work out... sociologically speaking ^_~)
So that's that. For the most part levi and I had the same opinions. Especially on the second half, which I thought was cool. Some people think I'm weird for thinking that. But oh well. ^_^
Anyway- once again thanks for answering if you did. ^^
Well yesterday I was painfully reminded how much it sucks to live in Mormonville. There was a really cool movie called "Latter Days" coming out, and it was only being released in LA, NY and SLC. The Madstone theatre was gonna play it... had the posters for it, showed the trailers.
Then the day it was supposed to come out- we find out it was pulled. Those goddamn bastards! I am so peeved about that! I was all excited. We'd planned like three weeks in advance to go. Then those bastards drop it.
And you know why????
It's about a mormon missionary- and he's gay. So the little freaks think- Oh, that's a bad image for our church. Let's not let them show it.
Well anyway- the whole afternoon was just kind of irritating. One of those kind of days, that I just hate.
Like my friend Mitch, his ex-girlfriend has been hanging around us a lot lately. ANd I'm sorry- but I hate the bitch. I hated her the first tiem I saw her, which I know is unfair. So I thought- don't be rude, give her a chance. And guess what- I still hate her. One of those sort of stuck up, annoying people. And she's ugly. So take that.
Hehe- sorry. That was mean. And immature. Heh. But anyway- Mitch like, totally ditched me because I think he still has a thing for her, so he walks off with her instead of waiting for me, the bastard. And then Maddie had to take Levi to get his suit and didn't tell me, and then she was like a half an hour late getting back.
Yep- just one of those days.
Anyway- my inspiration is dead. I want to write but my mind is blank and it's pissing me off. Pleh.
Anyway.... I'm bored. I need to do something soon before I keel over. Meh.
~Bye Bye~