Jun 29, 2006 08:35
I went out with my friend Shannon last night. She ended up bringing her sister in law and their kids too. I love Patty so it was great to see all of them. She told me she was pregnant; don’t tell anyone she hasn't announced this yet. I think I made everyone around us stare at me for about 5 minutes because I freaked out. They had only planned on having one child and that’s been done. Her husband he did it so he could have more sex. That was funny.
I then went and baby sat for Shelly. It’s kinda hard to say I baby sat because the baby was asleep before I got there and didn't make a peep the entire time I was there. I feel asleep on the couch too but I am a light sleeper so I kept waiting up to the strange house noises one gets used to in their own home. Shell came home wasted and I was a little pissed her friends let her drive. She so needed that night out and I was so happy she enjoyed her self so much. I don’t know why I hadn't offered to watch the baby on a Wednesday before since that’s the night she likes to go to the BBT. The baby is asleep, I watch TV, I fall asleep, I get up I go home. DONE. It was a little tough going back to bed at my house. My body thought power nap and was ready to go once I got back home. Blah. I should have done some laundry or something.
Tonight we are meeting up with my mom. I am very excited about this. She has a meeting in town about her retirement and then we are taking her out to dinner. It’s been a full week of going places and eating out for me but I've done well, considering.
8:40 work is calling.