Jul 31, 2014 22:12
Last weekend I was home we did a big cleanout on the front half of the house(or started anyway, we ran out of both recycle bin as well as trash bin) and among many other things I found a program guide to Cheyenne's Frontier Days for 1994. And yes, I am aware that makes me an incredible packrat, but there was an actual reason I kept that particular program.
According to the program the USAF Thunderbirds performed on July 27th that year. That date means something, because if I recall correctly, that was the day 20 years ago that I raised my right hand and was sworn into Delayed Enlistment into the USAF. My recruiter had done a minor bit of finagling to arrange it for that day so that I could have the Colonel in Command of the Thunderbirds do the actual swearing in. Seems a tad silly now, but it felt like it was a bigger deal, and made it more "Real" to me then.
That was the day my Total Federal Service commenced, so I guess that means I'd be eligible to retire if I'd stayed in?
Didn't actually leave for Basic till mid November...timed perfectly to spend Thanksgiving, Xmas, and New Years there.