Random post is random

Sep 08, 2012 19:33

So today was the first time in 2 and a half weeks that I got to play TS2 and it was for about a half hour ... I got so used to playing it EVERY SINGLE DAY during the summer and now school is like - work, work, work ... so I have no time to play much anymore :/
Anyway, the point of this post is pretty non-existant because there is no point other than that I had 2 pictures in my folder and didn't know what to do with them, really.

The first picture is Kaylynn Langerak because I've fallen in love with her lately. I think it's because she gets portrayed as the temptress that destroyed the Pleasant family but in her defence, Daniel is the romance sim, Kaylynn is a family sim. I assume that Daniel seduced her and not the other way around. You get me ? Anyway, I get a very classic feel from her and I like to think that she is a descendent of a singer from the 1930's or something, hence the picture of grandma Langerak in the background and the vintage stereo :P.

The second picture is a makeover I did of Natasha Una. I like to think of her as a gypsy, I don't know why but she'd make a cute one, right ? And I like to think she can use a crystal ball in her little gypsy wagon and all of that :P. I like to ship her with Parker Langerak, Kaylynn's brother (I know, weird shipping).


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