Giant Project ... Oh God why ... ?

Aug 13, 2012 03:09

So I decided that I would undertake a task ... a task that will likely take me months to do ...
You see all those green lots in the picture underneath all of the neighborhood decorations ? Yeah, I intend on creating all of those neighborhood decorations as lots ...
Okay, A) Why didn't I start this earlier in the summer ? I literally have 2 weeks before I start school again and this year I actually have to work so more work = less sims (unless I'm just really lazy this year :P). And B) Why am I such a determined perfectionist that must get things done once the thought occurs to me ? WHY ?!
Anyway, I'll probably be uploading them when I'm done because there's no way that I can make all these (for story purposes despite the fact that 80% won't even appear in any of my stories) and not have some purpose for them !
Anyway, ranty-thing over ... Better get to work because it's 3:00am and I'm not sleepy, never a better time !
(PS. There are 22 lots -_-)

Update : I just spent the last hour and a half on The Sims Wiki getting screenshots of all the different rabbitholes from every expansion pack and now I want to make all of them. Now there's 88 (give or take) lots to make ... Scap months, this will take years !

rant, oh god ...

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