→ six.

May 05, 2009 06:46

[the ex-assassin had been leaning against the wall near the smear, eventually getting a chair and settling there to make things easier on his gimp leg. blurry it may have been, but he was fairly certain it was Felix he was seeing. a glimpse of a yellow eye and a blue one, shocking red hair just like his own... but every time he tried to focus, the image shifted and his head began to throb.

exhausted, he'd returned to his room, collapsing on the bed with a groan. he barely got under the covers before he was asleep. he almost looked calm, curled up in a little ball... except for when he began to toss and turn, his brow scrunching. soft whimpers came from him, growing louder and more agitated as time went on. but he's not waking up... perhaps someone should try to get him up?]

[anomaly] amaterasu, stupid nightmares, stupid smear, want felix nao kthx, [original] duo maxwell

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